Sanada Kohei, a third-year junior high school student, is bullied by classmates and struggles with both school and family life. He finds solace in caring for potted flowers in his room. After going through ten tutors, Kohei meets Shunsaku, a hip-hop singer-turned-tutor. Shunsaku's unconventional and tough approach helps Kohei transform. (Source: MyDramaList) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 15歳のブルース
- Also Known As: A 15-year-olds Blues , Division 1 Stage 13 , ディビジョン1 , ステージ13『15歳のブルース』
- Screenwriter: Ono Toshiya
- Genres: Youth, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Zeebra Main Role
- Tegoshi Yuya Main Role
- Iwasa MayukoSanada YukariSupport Role
- Sakata MasahikoSanada TakaakiSupport Role
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