Kurata Kenta, a timid commercial designer, lives with his father Taichi, mother Keiko, and younger sister Nana in an isolated home. One day, after standing up to a man who pushed a woman, Kenta is shocked by his own bravery. Soon after, their home is targeted by an unknown person, with flowers uprooted and a bicycle seat damaged. Meanwhile, Nana is stalked by her ex-boyfriend. The family works to uncover who is responsible. (Source: MyDramaList) ~~ Adapted from the novel "Yokoso Wagaya e" by Jun Ikeido. Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Native Title: ようこそ、わが家へ
- Also Known As: Welcome to Our Home , Youkoso, Wagaya e , Your Story
- Director: Aizawa Hideyuki, Tanimura Masaki, Nakae Isamu
- Screenwriter: Kuroiwa Tsutomu
- Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Life, Family
Cast & Credits
- Aiba Masaki Main Role
- Terao Akira Main Role
- Arimura Kasumi Main Role
- Minami Kaho Main Role
- Sawajiri Erika Main Role
- Sato JiroKanie ShutaroSupport Role
Shocking things happen in this drama but its is still at its heart a Family Drama. There is not a clear, obvious suspect in this, making the mystery more intriguing. And on a side note if the stars aligned just so, this is something that -could-happen in real life.
The acting was good but anytime Takenaka Naoto was on screen he just dominated and took over.
The music is my bias so take that part of the review as you will. With in the drama itself the mood music never stood out but it does do its job well.
Rewatch value..Maybe?...to try to catch all the clues as they unfold now that I know the ending. Definitely if I am watching with another person.
Over all rating an 8
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Unsafe even at their own home, jealousy and threats, yet the harmonious family prevails
Tired of all the angst and dark family dramas? This one is perfect for you because it features a wholesome family and how they bond through being stalked, pranked, and even almost killed.This family featured good vibes and engaging mystery, which had plenty of twists and red-hearings that made sense in the end (trust me on this). When everything was started getting unfold it... was so much fun! The clues were right there! One might feel like Sherlock trying to pace the mystery.
The characters were the most fun part - timid brother, which finds confidence in himself, the journalist girl which is cool and reliable. The family - father and mother, shined in their own way. Mother always smiling and being kind (I enjoyed every scene she was in! What a ray of positive sunshine she was). Father's banker subplot was really good too because viewers couldn't help but root for him to uncover companies' secrets. I suppose the least interesting character was - sister, but even her final speech made me tearup.
The kitten! It was the highlight of the drama as well!
The music score felt nostalgic because it had a similar vibe as one in Liar's Game and at times felt like it was getting inspiration from BBC's Sherlock.
Apparently, Kuroiwa Tsutomu (screenwriter of this drama) enjoys writing suspense, and... He is really good at that, so I will surely check out his other works ♥
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