The story is set during the Meiji era at the Rokumeikan (also known as the Deer Cry Pavilion), a social center that ultimately became a symbol of the Westernization process in Japan. Tamura plays Count Kageyama, whose forceful political methods have earned him many enemies. Kuroki plays his wife Asako, a former geisha. The action mainly takes place at a ball that has been targeted for attack by activists. (Source: Tokyograph) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 鹿鳴館
- Also Known As:
- Director: Fujita Meiji
- Genres: Historical, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Tamura Masakazu Main Role
- Kuroki HitomiAsakoMain Role
- Matsuda Shota Support Role
- Ishihara SatomiDaitokuji AkikoSupport Role
- Suzuki Kazuma Support Role
- Eve Support Role
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