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Jun 6, 2023
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

This was a painful watch for me

I'll be honest, this was on my To Watch list for the longest time. I started the first episode multiple times, didn't like it, and gave up. I picked it up again because I'm hoping for better from seasons 2 & 3.

My issues with this drama were many:
1) A lot of overacting for the sake of "drama". I like Han Seok Kyu (though he tends to play this type of character a lot) and Yoo Yeon Seok was fabulous in the Hospital Playlist dramas, but even they over-acted at times. Tons of yelling by everyone.
2) For the most part, pretty unlikeable characters. It starts in episode 1 when Dong Joo says he wants to sleep with Seo Jung and that he likes her. Why? Dr. Kim is pretty insufferable throughout the whole show, constantly yelling and demeaning the staff. Dong Joo - self-serving person with a chip on his shoulder the size of the Grand Canyon.
3) Romance was half-baked and unnecessary. I'm usually into shows for the romance, but I didn't buy the leads as a couple from the very beginning, and I never had any reason to change my opinion. I had no idea why they liked each other, I felt that she was playing him a lot of the times, and I actually got mad during the bonus episode when she was saying that she was "letting him go", thinking that he was going to the US. She was very immature.
4)The storyline was fragmented. Seo Jung has hallucinations and tries to kill herself. She had no business being in the hospital environment until she had gone through extensive therapy. Master Kim demotes her to intern, but she's allowed into surgery. The small hospital was associated with the big main hospital (the staff came from the main hospital to the small hospital) yet no one knew Dr. Kim was there? I mean, you can change your name, but background checks still need to be done.
5) I felt that the medical aspect of the drama fell very short of the mark. There was no getting to know the patients (I refer to Hospital Playlist that shows how to do it right). The patients were just moved through to show the medical team in one crisis after another. Almost EVERY patient needed CPR. I was tempted to make a drinking game of it (and I don't even drink!) - every time someone does chest compressions on someone, take a drink! This show was from 2016 - was the timeline in the show supposed to be different? Because the AIDS storyline was ridiculous for 2016. So much more had been discovered about AIDS and caring for patients. This might be different in Korea, but in the US public hospitals can't refuse to treat people. Then there's the fact that Dr. Kim had a pretty severe wrist injury (which there was no scar from), he could hardly move his hand, but he was insisting on doing surgery. Granted he backed down, but it never would have even come to that. There is a case in an early episode about not treating patients if you don't have privileges there, but this rule is thrown out the window in the last couple of episodes. Then, there was cross-contamination going on in the operating room by handing instruments over open wounds, crossing arms in front of themselves to get instruments, etc. Granted, maybe it only bothered me because I'm in the medical field and it wouldn't have bothered others.
6) The bad guy. and his henchmen. I felt like he was evil for the sake of being evil, I didn't get the motivation. I was also bothered by the fact that he had people in the small hospital as spies for him, and no one seemed to notice.
7) Kim Min Jae as Park Eun Tak was criminally underused. Hopefully that will be rectified in Season 2, if I can manage to get through it.

I realize that I am a minority of one with my feelings on this show, but it's been quite a while since I've watched something that has made me say "that's time I'm never getting back".

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May 30, 2023
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Realmente me surpreendi positivamente com este drama.

Realmente me surpreendi positivamente com este drama. Eu queria assistir a terceira temporada que está sendo lançada este ano e resolvi assistir a primeira temporada para me ambientar com os personagens. Incialmente sem nenhuma expectativa, mas conforme os episódios passavam ficava mais envolvida com a história e as personagens. O começo é um pouco estranho, provavelmente por ser um drama mais antigo, mas depois tudo melhora.

Não posso deixar de mencionar a cena icônica do Dr. Kang chegando ao hospital Doldam com aquela fachada decadente, uma cena de abertura de filme de terror, e depois entrando na emergência e encontrando aquela agitação... até eu achei que fossem fantasmas kkkkkk. Além disso o arco dos pacientes com suspeita de MERS foi muito desesperador depois de termos passado por uma pandemia.

São 21 episódios contando com o especial e não percebi que eram tantos porque estava muito investida na história. Amei cada episódio. Porém achei que o final foi meio abrupto. Talvez porque eles pensassem em fazer outras temporadas (o que só aconteceria em 2020) e foram plantando alguns subenredos, por exemplo, a relação entre o Do In Bum, a Woo Yeon Hwa e o Park Eun Tak, mas que ficaram em aberto visto que com exceção do Park Eun Tak, os outros não retornam como personagens fixos na segunda temporada. Como a segunda temporada é com outro elenco foi algo que realmente ficou em aberto, mas apesar disso gostei bastante.

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Jan 4, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
Semua kasus medis dijalin ke dalam cerita dengan mulus. Sangat baik dieksekusi. karakter yang hebat. Guru Kim mewujudkan guru lurus yang ingin Anda pelajari, yang telah membuat kesalahan dan telah belajar darinya. Dia adalah mentor bagi para dokter muda di rumah sakit. Dia menginspirasi mereka. Dia juga membela mereka, dalam banyak adegan yang memuaskan.

Saya telah melihat sejumlah drama medis Korea, dan sebagian besar waktu operasi atau kasus medis hanya berfungsi sebagai perangkat plot untuk memindahkan cerita lebih jauh. Lebih sering daripada tidak, sulit untuk diinvestasikan dalam kasus-kasus. Namun, dengan drama ini, setiap kasus medis benar-benar membawa banyak emosi dan drama, karena Anda belajar tidak hanya dari dokter, tetapi juga dari pasien.

Drama ini terutama mengingatkan saya pada masa-masa awal Grey's Anatomy. Banyak hati. Banyak ketegangan. Memuaskan untuk menyaksikan ketika ketidakadilan digulingkan, yang dihadapi para dokter hampir setiap hari.

Romansa, meski ringan dalam drama ini, dilakukan dengan baik untuk realismenya.

Tonton ini jika Anda berminat untuk drama medis dan Anda akan ditarik oleh para dokter di Rumah Sakit Doldam, yang menempatkan menyelamatkan nyawa pasien mereka di atas segalanya, sebagai pahlawan super modern sejati. Bersiaplah untuk meneteskan air mata!

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Jan 27, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 7.5

Le Docteur Kim n'est pas romantique, mail est idéaliste, c'est bien mieux !

ce que j'en pense ?
Eh bien il rentre directement dans mon top 5 !!
Les points positifs :
L’interprétation, excellente, les principaux comme les secondaires, Han Suk Kyu, je te vénère !!         Déjà je t’aimais beaucoup dans ton rôle du roi Sejong, mais alors là c’est de la passion ! Mais tout le reste de la distribution est à l’avenant, autant ceux qui amènent une touche de comique (bien nécessaire) comme le manager, ou le Dr Song, en parfait lèche-bottes que l’horrible Dr Do !!
le scénario :
Parfait,       pas un temps mort, équilibre maintenu tout du long entre le suspens, le médical pur jus, les sentiments et la psychologie de personnages, les dialogues excellents, la hauteur de vue des idées défendues pat Teacher Kim (surtout ne pas lire « romantique » mais « idéaliste » car pas (ou très peu) de romance et elle est traitée sans aucun des clichés habituels, (et même apporte une touche d’humour avec la jalousie de Dong Jo ! ) et l’amitié et l’estime qui se forgent peu à peu entre les différents personnages sous la présence tutélaire (mais sans concession) du DrKim.
Le médical :
Très soigné, très étudié pour être le plus proche possible de la vraisemblance pour un public quand même non averti, peut-être qu’un vrai chirurgien pousserait les hauts cris, mais moi, j’étais bluffée !!    
la bande son :
Jolies chansons, belle musique d’ambiance et des clins d’œil marrants comme l’arrivée inattendue d’Edith Piaf… pendant une scène de bagarre comique !
Les points négatifs :
Ben y en a pas !!!  Ah ! Si quand même : Il faut bien revenir à la vraie vie des dramas pour admirer la rapidité de déplacement des personnages franchissant en un rien de temps des distances quand même assez considérables… Mais c’est un drama après tout !!    
Au total : Je lui ai mis 10 sur Mydramalist, et je suis sûre de ne pas en enlever à la re-vision dans quelques mois, comme ça arrive parfois quand l’enthousiasme retombe !!

Et pour Romantic Doctor, je redoutais un ajout débile, une fin qui fait tout retomber,et bien pas du tout ! C'est parfait jusqu'au bout et je me surprends même à penser qu'une saison 2 ce serait vraiment bien (pour un drama coréen, c'est une première, pour moi !! )

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Simona Leila
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 6, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

Finalmente è arrivato il momento.

Sono ormai parecchi mesi che ho finito questo drama e finalmente mi sento pronta a scriverne la recensione. Premetto che ho visto entrambe le stagioni, quindi farò una recensione unica senza spoiler. Infatti l'unica cosa che differenzia le due parti è l'elemento romantico meno forte nella prima stagione e, per quanto mi riguarda, molto più presente e bello nel seguito. Per il resto la storia mi è piaciuta in ogni cosa. Mi è piaciuto che, nonostante gli inizi si assomiglino molto perchè entrambe partono con personaggi "indisciplinati" o cmq fuori rotta, con l'aiuto del dottor Kim tutti riescono a trovare e perseguire il loro vero obbiettivo.
Gli sviluppi dei personaggi sono la cosa migliore, ma anche la storia che fa da contorno è davvero ben costruita. Il dottor Kim è sicuramente il personaggio più enigmatico e più potente dell'intera serie: ha sempre un insegnamento da dare nonostante i modi non proprio ortodossi di proporli, ma fanno ragionare anche chi sta guardando. Unico episodio che per me non esiste è lo "special". Non guardatelo, non ha senso di esserci XD
Per il resto, lo reputo una delle più belle serie guardate quest'anno, uno dei migliori drama che io abbia mai visto!

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Apr 7, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
?Hola gente bella, ¿Cómo están?? Hoy les traigo la reseña del último kdrama que terminé: Doctor romantic, Teacher Kim.

?Por si no saben, esta serie nos cuenta cómo cambia la vida de los médicos Kang Dong Joo y Yoo Seo Jung luego de conocer al Maestro Kim, un cirujano con una personalidad intrigante y un pasado muy misterioso. Ellos tres, junto con el resto del personal del hospital Dolman, luchan por salvar a los pacientes que llegan a la sala de emergencias sin importar lo que tengan que hacer para conseguirlo.

Debo admitir que cuando vi el primer capítulo, dudé en seguir viendo este drama. Había algo que no me cerraba (puede que el prota) y estuve a nada de dropearla, pero antes de abandonarla quería estar segura de que no me fuera a gustar nada de nada, por eso decidí ver un cap más y cuando lo terminé seguía sin saber si dejarla o no, así que vi un cap más y cuando este terminó, yo ya estaba enganchadísima.

A mí en particular me gustan muchísimo las series de hospital, por lo que cuando empecé Doctor Romantic lo hice con miedo que se fuera más por lo romántico (o sea, ¿vieron el título?) y que el drama médico se quedara de lado, pero me sorprendieron gratamente, ya que se le da un papel muy importante a todo lo que sucede en torno al hospital y eso para mí es muy positivo.

❌¿Tiene cosas negativas? Sí, obvio. Está llena de clichés románticos, soluciones mágicas típicas de los doramas y algunas situaciones medio what(?, pero la serie es tan entretenida y pasan tantas cosas al mismo tiempo que esto puede ignorarse fácilmente... o no(?

A ver, para mí es una historia con personajes poco memorables (sacando a la enfermera Oh y al enfermero Park), pero eso no quita que sea una serie muy dinámica, con momentos de tensión, romance y llena de operaciones y sangre, por lo que si eso les llama la atención, les súper recomiendo este drama.


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Jun 6, 2020
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Très bon drama médical

Très bon drama médical. L’histoire nous fait suivre le personnel d’un hôpital de campagne sous la direction du chirurgien en chef, l’étrange et talentueux Dr Kim. Drama alliant médecine, vengeance et soif de pouvoir. Le drama est assez long pour série coréenne (21 épisodes), mais il se laisse facilement regarder. On voit les personnages évolués tout le long de la série et nous découvrons peu à peu les secrets de chacun...
Personnellement je n’ai pas accroché à l'histoire, malgré des acteurs magnifiques, rendant le scénario encore plus captivant. Ce n’est pas un coup de cœur pour moi, surtout après avoir vu plusieurs kdramas médicaux.

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