Masaki Nishine is a high school student studying for college entrance examinations. One day, while walking through the campus of a nearby H University's School of Veterinarian Science with his best friend Nikaido, he comes across a little puppy with a face of a female demon, the type one sees in a Noh mask. At the same time, a mysterious professor wearing a funny-looking outfit appears and makes a strange prophecy, "You will become a vet in the future!" Not only that, he forces the puppy (which turned out to be an expensive Siberian husky) on Masaki. Nikaido names the puppy Chobi. The pup becomes a member of the Nishine Family, along with Miké, a bossy female cat kept by Masaki's grandmother Taka, and a violent cock named Hiyo-chan. Soon after, Chobi falls sick and Masaki takes the dog to a vet where they meet the mysterious professor Urushihara again. As if spellbound, the two men take the entrance exam for H University's School of Veterinarian Science. Both pass the test and begin attending the school. What awaited them, however, were a group of patients—all animals, of course—and a faculty of ultra-individualistic professors including Urushihara (Source: Asianwiki) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 動物のお医者さん
- Also Known As: The Animal Doctor ,
- Screenwriter: Kosawa Ryota, Yokota Rie, Egashira Michiru, Fukasawa Masaki
- Director: Yamazaki Takashi, Sato Shimako, Kuno Masahiro
- Genres: Life, Medical
Cast & Credits
- Yoshizawa Hisashi Main Role
- Wakui Emi Main Role
- Kusakari Masao Main Role
- Takasugi IssuiKiyoharaSupport Role
- Kagami SakiShimada SayoSupport Role
- Kaname JunAkio NikaidouSupport Role