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This gave me confusing feelings
honestly, im only giving it 7/10 because of ramking and frongthara (who are obviously really cute). the main couple - duen and bohn just really didnt make much sense to me.. in terms of pretty much anything. i didnt feel like they were cute or that they had much chemistry. i get that some bl series might portray shy couples, but to the extend where even the kissing was so mild and rare, it just didnt make me squeal (like i did for other bl series). also, the drama between them was so repetitive that i just went "again??" when it happened. the trust issues were uncomfortable cause it just wasnt natural to have same issues happening over and over in a 14 ep series.lets talk about the side couples. i loved loved LOVED the chemistry between ram and king. they started so subtly that just made it even cuter. the progression between these two were also appropriate, from the gradual attitude adjustment of ram, to the way king went from "im curious cause i think he's weird", to showing genuine concern for ram. it was so nice to see that the relationship wasnt rushed and was natural without weird slow-mos and "imaginations" that bl series often like to include. i honestly cant wait to watch more of them.
frong and thara were pretty good but not as cute as ramking yet (which im sure will change in s2). they left lots of space for character progression as well, which was okay, as we will get to see many more fresh sides of them in the next season. the way they met was a little abrupt to me though, so i got confused for a moment about what was happening. it was probably due to the way scenes were changed from one to another, and how a chunk of frong and thara scenes were inserted suddenly, so it was a little unnatural at the start. the other parts of it were fine though, and im also looking forward to them in s2, so its good enough for me as of now.
for mek and boss.. tbh they should be cute, but i just couldnt feel anything with that dubbing, so i wont be commenting on them cause it might be just my own issue lmao.
anyway, when s2 comes out i'll (TRY TO) watch and review it as well. hopefully we will see them tackling more bl stereotypes (like the top-bottom issue) which is, unfortunately, not recognised enough by people yet.
so, is this worth glueing your eyes to?
good for passing time (and watching cute boys), but if youre looking for a quality series targetting serious topics, this might not be for you.
thanks for reading!
love, peach
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I love the characters, everyone is very funny, there’s a lot of couples.I like the side couples maybe even more than BohnDuen.
I’ve rewatched it a few times too.
I dislike the series a little bit because of some characters. There are a lot of straight girls who fetishize and even follow and secretly take pictures of the gay couple. It is offending too.
And I also dislike it because of the way the director made one of the characters.
One character is full of asian homophobic stereotypes, and is made to be the butt of jokes.
But that is usual in BLs and if you’re a MLM fetishizer this series is perfect for you
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Everything about this series was lacking, and that's sad bc it could have turned out to become a decent BL series. Therefore, I do understand why this series is "underrated" however, I think perhaps it should remain so. At least people won't have high expectations before watching this series just for it to be crushed. I did not have any high expectations for this series which is why I overlooked many things that made this series cringy and awful. Despite having low expectations I was still disappointed and dropped it.
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I would love to watch season 2 with Duen and Bohnn...their acting is lit???...
My Engineer is just ???✌️✌️✌️....
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If you are reading this or you want to watch my engineer be free to contact me for more details I promise you spoilers not included
My engineer is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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Generic and toxic
So the main couple started out cute but wow, did it get old fast. The amount of melodramatic jealousy and immaturity was unreal. It was probably one of the most toxic relationships I've seen in a long while. In real life, anyone who is as jealous as Bohn would likely destroy every relationship he has. I can't fathom how they were the MAIN couple because all the other side characters had much more compelling stories. The side characters all outshone the main couple who not only could not understand the fundamentals of communicating but had very little development. I did finish the series, but I had to fast forward through half the crap between the 2 leads because it was just so juvenile and annoying. I really wish that dramas in general would stop romanticizing jealousy and distrust in a relationship.The only redeeming qualities for this series were the side-couples and the OST. RamKing are a prime example of development done right. I honestly felt they should have been the main characters.
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J'ai eu envie de regarder "My Engineer" après avoir TANT entendu parler de "RamKing" et franchement c'est la seule raison pour laquelle j'adore ce drama mdrr En soit le drama n'est pas mauvais, mais il n'est pas exceptionnel non plus, on reste sur un format assez simple, toujours dans un univers scolaire et on retrouve facilement les mêmes "clichés" lassants.
J'ai trouvé l'acting des personnages/acteurs principaux un peu décevant et leur alchimie ne m'a pas sauté aux yeux.
Mais le couple principal était adorable, vraiment un concentré de mignonnerie (bien que 2 ou 3 moments de jalousie légèrement toxique), tout était basé sur la gentillesse et le consentement et j'ai beaucoup aimé ce côté-là <3
Le baisé final était MAGNIFIQUE cependant !
Le temps entre les 4 couples était super bien répartit, on les voyait tous à temps égal et suffisamment pout les aimer et apprécier leurs histoires <3
Le seul point qui m'a vraiment dérangé c'était MekBoss, j'adore leur couple mais je trouve que leur histoire n'est pas vraiment crédible, on sent un peu la facilité scénaristique pour apporter ce 4e couple + le doublage de Mek s'il vous plait... vraiment j'étais très déçue de ne pas entendre sa voix et également très déçue de ne pas avoir eu un doublage à la hauteur...
Autre point négatif: STOP AVEC LE WIFE/HUSBAND on est fatigué d'entendre cela!
Frong deserves better haha faites qu'ils soient heureux dans la saison 2.
Bref POUR MOI RamKing sauvent le drama, vraiment leur histoire est unique et adorable, j'ai adoré voir ces deux personnages évoluer et se découvrir, ils sont vraiment mon gros coup de coeur de 2021; j'attends donc avec impatience la saison 2 afin de voir leur évolution ! <3
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Ramking e TharaFrong, bastano soltanto loro
Andrò dritto al punto: se non ci fossero state le coppie Ram/King e Thara/Frong l'intera serie non avrebbe meritato di essere guardata. La coppia principale ricalca tutti gli stereotipi dei bl, che potrebbe anche essere ok se solo non lo facesse in un modo assolutamente terribile. Bohn e Duen erano carini all'inizio, poi diventano ripetitivi e anche banali. I loro litigi sono spesso sciocchi, non hanno particolare chimica. Duen è un personaggio molto stereotipato che in più occasioni si limita a fare dei timidi sorrisini senza veramente riuscire a reggere la scena. L'attore che fa Bohn ha delle belle espressioni, ma il suo personaggio ruota tutto attorno al tema della gelosia. Qualsiasi personaggio si avvicina a Duen scatena una scenata di gelosia. Anche un po' banale, direi. Piuttosto, perché Bohn non ci rimane mai male per il fatto che Duen fino all'ultimo si fa desiderare per un bacio? Insomma, sono studenti universitari mica scolaretti delle medie. Eppure non si comportano minimamente da studenti universitari. Un bacio dovevano darsi, mica andare a letto!Il vero punto di forza della serie si trova nella coppia King/Ram. Ram è un personaggio taciturno, che spero venga approfondito in una seconda stagione (perché parla poco? ha subito qualche trauma? qualche brutta esperienza?). Nonostante tutto Ram funziona bene come personaggio perché dimostra il proprio affetto per King con i gesti, con gli sguardi e con quelle poche parole dette al momento giusto. King è sostanzialmente... un gatto! Basti guardare la prima volta che incontra Ram e come salta sul tavolo. Ha anche l'aspetto di un gatto e davanti ai cani si comporta proprio come un gatto. È un aspetto un po' comico del personaggio che lo rende accattivante, soprattutto perché alterna questi momenti divertenti a momenti più seri e romantici dove dimostra tante piccole attenzioni nei confronti di Ram. In generale è molto bella l'intera loro storia, il modo in cui inizia e si evolve. Unico appunto: in una scena Ram difende king e fa praticamente esplodere la bottiglia che ha in mano, l'ho trovato un po' esagerato. Sembrava l'incredibile hulk!
La coppia Thara/Frong è la seconda coppia che davvero regge l'intero spettacolo. La loro è una storia che nasce lentamente, con i giusti tempi ma che proprio per questo si sviluppa in modo piacevole. Ogni loro momento insieme fa sempre sperare che si avvicinino di più. Sono davvero carini insieme e le vicende che li vedono protagonisti sono abbastanza riuscite.
Insomma, coppia principale bocciata. Ma la serie recupera grazie a due delle coppie secondarie.
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Meine Meinung zu den Couples
Am Anfang hatte ich so null bock auf die Serie weil es "My Engineer" hieß und ich dachte es wäre mal wieder eine langweilige Main Stream.Natürlich ging es wieder mals um Engineer Studens usw. aber ich liebe die Charaktere und würde sterben mehr zu sehen.
Ich fand das Bohn und Duen irgendwie zu schnell war und deren Beziehung relativ aus dem nichts kam, aber dafür sind die Side Couples echt gut. Ich war zwar wenig genervt von Boss und Mek tat mir echt leid aber ich bin schlussendlich froh für sie und würde mich mehr über sie freuen (Auch schade fand ich das sie Mek gedubbed haben und nicht ihn reden lassen haben, hätte echt gerne von ihm gehört)
Weiter mit meinem Fav Side Couple RamKing.
Ich liebe es das King erst Ram wenig näher kommen musste um überhaupt erst mit ihm reden zu können. Sie beide haben interessante Charaktere die man durch die Serie mehr kennenlernt. Oft ist es in Serien die "Bed Scene" welche eine Serie immer wenig hoch pusht aber bei dieser Serie bräuchte man einfach keine, sie ist so schon echt gut.
Abgesehen davon das mir das Main Couple nicht so gefallen hat, bin ich mit den restlichen Charakteren zufrieden.
Die anderen zwei XD dieser Doktor und der dude wessen beide Namen ich vergessen habe. Der Docktor war ja mal übelst cute mit seinem Pet und der andere Dude sieht nicht schlecht aus, habe nicht viel zu den zu sagen außer das ich mich auf mehr freue.
Diese Serie kann ich auf jeden fall empfehlen wenn wer Highschool Universe mag und auch gerne mehrere Side Couples sehen will.
Ich bin schon so gespannt auf mehr und warte mit großer Ungeduld auf mehr.
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Mucha química pero poca trama
No voy a mentir, he visto muchos BL de Tailandia y en la mayoría (al menos hasta ahora, porque parece que están cambiando un poco) hay unos cánones básicos y este no es la excepción aunque aquí se pasan. Que el Seme sea celoso y posesivo, lo veo normal en estas series, pero ¿qué le pasa a Bohn? es tóxico como él solo. Siempre esta enfadado con Duen, tratándole con desdén y siempre fingiendo estar enfadado con él para que el otro le pida perdón continuamente. Esta claro que Bohn no esta enamorado de Duen, al revés no lo sé, pero lo de Bohn es obsesión o ganas de ganar o algo.Las parejas en general tienen química, salvo la de Maek y Boss que ni veo química entre los actores, ni me ha interesado su historia, además la trama de la serie es muy aburrida, ¿alguien puede decirme de que va? es que no lo he pillado xD
En fin, hay BL mucho mejores que este en los que, al menos, no habrá personajes que te den aversión.
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Pomyłka w aktorach
Seria opowiada historię popularnego studenta inżynierii Bona, który postanawia się zemścićna studencie medycyny pierwszego roku Duenie, który uderzył go w twarz ponieważ Bon zbudził
go z drzemki. Codziennie przez miesiąc Duen musiał przynosić jedną czerwoną różę, którą
kupił od dzieci stojących przy drodze, by dać ją upartemu studentowi inżynierii. Tak oto
czerwona róża stała się symbolem miłości. Mimo iż są główną para,
seria opowiada losy czterech par, oraz ich drogę przez przyjaźń i miłość.
,,-Dręczy mnie to. Czuję się udręczony, rozumiesz!
-Przeze mnie?
-Tak. Ponieważ czuję się przy Tobie dobrze. I to mnie nieustannie dręczy. Zdajesz sobie sprawę, jak bardzo muszę się powstrzymywać, kiedy jestem blisko Ciebie."
Mek i Boss z dramy My Engineer Oceniam tą parę i ich historię na 8 na 10.
Historia była dość ciekawa, bohaterzy nie irytowali mnie wcale a do końca
nie byłam pewna jak skończy się ich historia. Mek którego gra Ryan Peng skradł
moje serduszko i bardzo mi się podobała jego gra aktorska. Mam
nadzieję że jeszcze zobaczę go w jakieś ciekawej produkcji
King i Ram to moja ulubiona para z dramy My Engineer. Oceniam tą parę 10 na 10.
Bardzo podobali mi się od samego początku oboje. Ich historia najbardziej mnie urzekła i
stali się moimi ulubieńcami. Bardzo dobrze do siebie pasowali.
Następna para z tej dramy. Bohn i Duen byli parą, która moim zdaniem była ze sobą na siłę.
To znaczy szczerze nie widziałam między nimi uczuć żadnych. Źle zagrane, historia oklepana
a Kritsanapong czyli aktor grający Duena bardzo mnie irytował.
Dr.Thara i Fong również są z tej dramy. Mieli zbyt mało czasu razem w porównaniu do
pozostałych par ale mimo to lubię tą parę. To jedyna para która mogłaby być najbardziej
stabilna w
przyszłości. Pasują do siebie, nie irytują i powoli zakochują.
Całość taka sobie. Gdyby wyciąć głównych bohaterów na pewno byłoby przyjemniej na to patrzeć ale powiem skrycie, że czekam na 2 sezon. Poczekamy, zobaczymy jak to mówią...
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