The show follows the nine members of TWICE — Nayeon, Jihyo, Jungyeon, Mina, Sana, Momo, Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Tzuyu — a South Korean girl group formed by JYP Entertainment, in their idol lifes. The episodes show to fans, the course of their days in recordings, games, photo shoots and everything else. In this season, the girls traveled to Switzerland in their vacation, except Jihyo, who can't go at that time for injury treatment. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 트와이스 TV
- Also Known As: Twice in Switzerland
- Genres: Music
Cast & Credits
- Im Na Yeon Main Role
- Chou Tzu Yu Main Role
- Son Chae Young Main Role
- Jeong Yeon Main Role
- Park Ji Hyo Regular Member
- Kim Da Hyun Regular Member
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