A nostalgic coming-of-age tale that follows young men and women from the same high school in the early 1990s. The main story develops in the past with a supporting storyline from the present. The stage is set in Xisi High School, a place for underachievers and poor students, and begins from the entrance exams. Six teenagers go from strangers to friends as they live through an extraordinary experience during their youth and hold hands into the future. (Source: ChineseDrama.info) Edit Translation
- English
- Русский
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Native Title: 我的青春也燦爛
- Also Known As: Wo De Qing Chun Ye Can Lan
- Genres: Youth, Drama
Where to Watch 90's Beijing Fantasy
Cast & Credits
- Zhu Jia QiZhao LeiMain Role
- Jiao RuiWang BoMain Role
- Wang Mu Yao Main Role
- Chen Meng Qin Main Role
- Yu Kai NingSan GeSupport Role
- Xu Yan YuZhang JingSupport Role
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I'm into a youth drama so I decided to write a review about this one.If you're looking for a short drama that talks about School/Youth/Friendship, you can pick this one.
This is quite interesting and not boring at all. The simplicity of life during 1990's make it more interesting for me.
But this drama is too short that I want to raise some question like:
How/When Mingyu happened?
It's because the flashbacks only end to their High School party. What happened to the relationship of Zhao Lei and Lili is a big question for me. When did they have a son? And why Lili raised him alone for 16 years?
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I enjoy watching chinese high school drama and i cam across this. Start was okay and it did progress well but the second male lead was way too pitiful. The entire cast was very nice with good acting and the background itself gave a good insight of the 90s china. The flow of the story was good but predictable and the chances of 16 year boy travelling to find out who is mother dated was way too much. And the 2nd male lead still loving the Female lead was much pitiful.I would like a second season of what happens after the high school is shut down, where did everyone end up, how and when did mingyu gets in the picture. Everything was super rushed and super confusing. It feels like a void is made up in the story line.
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