Set in the Edo period, Japan, a woman risks her life to keep her true love. Ito, daughter of a clan official, encounters Magoshiro Eguchi. Magoshiro is a low ranking samurai who sparks an attraction with Ito. Ito challenges Magoshiro to a sword match using bamboo sticks. Magoshiro accepts. The pair's duel causes sparks to fly and attraction from both sides. Meanwhile, Ito faces an arranged marriage with Saisuke Katagiri and Magoshiro is with Kayo... Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Native Title: 花のあと
- Also Known As: Hana no Ato
- Director: Nakanishi Kenji
- Screenwriter: Hasegawa Yasuo
- Genres: Historical, Romance
Cast & Credits
- Kitagawa KeikoItoMain Role
- Miyao Shuntaro Main Role
- Ichikawa Ennosuke IVFuji KageyuSupport Role
- Kunimura JunTerat JinzaemonSupport Role
- Ito AyumiKayoSupport Role
- Komoto MasahiroKatagiri SaisukeSupport Role