"Hei no Naka no Chuugakou" centers around Asahi Junior High School, which is located within Nagano Matsumoto Boy's prison in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture - the only public school in Japan that is located inside a prison. The school's students are all prisoners ranging in age from 20-70. The students are carefully selected after taking an entrance exam and being selected by the school's admission board. Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Native Title: 塀の中の中学校
- Also Known As: Hei no Naka no Chuugakou , The Junior High Inside The Fence
- Director: Kiyohiro Makoto
- Screenwriter: Uchidate Makiko
- Genres: Youth, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Odagiri Joe Main Role
- Chihara Seiji Main Role
- Otaki Hideji Main Role
- Takahashi KatsumiOhtaSupport Role
- Matsuzawa Kazuyuki[Professor]Support Role
- Murata TakehiroOfficerSupport Role
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