"Stateless Things" follows three young people - a teenage North Korean defector named Joon who wanders the streets in Seoul, an ethnic Korean girl living in China and a gay boy named Ah-In who exchanges sex for money. These three come together to commit suicide, but find meaning in their lives... Edit Translation
- English
- 中文(台灣)
- Español
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- Native Title: 줄탁동시
- Also Known As: Jooltak Dongshi
- Screenwriter & Director: Kim Kyung Mook
- Genres: Drama, Mature
Cast & Credits
- Lee PaulJoonMain Role
- Yeom Hyun JoonHyunMain Role
- Kim Sae ByeokSun HeeMain Role
- Oh Hee Joon[Delivery man]Support Role
- Im Hyung GukSung HoonSupport Role
- Lee Seung Min[Jongno public]Support Role
So, I didn't really get the story or the ending. And I also think, the only time background music played was when the one guy was dancing....
The acting/cast got 8.5/10 because I liked the acting and also because the only reason my friend and I watched this was because of the one good looking prostitute, lol.
All in all was the only scene I enjoyed the one where this guy and his Sugardaddy were making out.
I warned you!:D
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Very strange movie
Even now I can't recover from it ... the film raises so many questions and the viewer has many feelings and thinks about it ... The film is definitely not for everyone (many will definitely condemn it, on the contrary, I appreciate almost every film that touches of our otherness), but even though he is Asian, this time he is neither naive nor affected as an actor... STORY: in the first third of the plight of a boy who escaped from the dictatorial north and a girl originally from China, but of Korean origin, who are afraid return deportations, the second third completely different with no connection to the first - a young boy and a rich businessman and the third third - the fates of both boys intersect and ... ACTING PERFORMANCE: excellent, especially for all three male roles (I evaluate from an Asian point of view) SOUND: average , there is less musical component of undertones, apparently on purpose PROCESSING: refined, irritating, may even annoy many viewers (sometimes lengthy, out of focus, sometimes grainy, hand-held camera) OVERALL IMPRESSION: I am torn (disappointed by the end of the story, moved by the fate of the North Korean - after all, Jun could to defend at the end, but apparently he already gave up, I am surprised by the "beauty" of the rich businessman - in the love scene it is often hard to tell who is "young" and who is "old", he looks physically good), but overall a positive impression prevails, but at the same time and thoughts about the fate of thousands of such people in the south of the Korean peninsula.Was this review helpful to you?