Sang Jin, a formerly promising vocalist, now works as a high school music teacher after suffering from a vocal cord tumor. His ordinary life becomes full of drama when Jang Ho, a local teenage gangster, is transferred to Sang Jin's school. Jang Ho is a thorn in Sang Jin's side, but upon hearing Jang Ho sing, he is deeply impressed with his natural talent and decides to commit to his training. As the two develop their special bond, an unexpected conflict arises between the two gangs in town which forces Jang Ho into a critical situation. ~~ Based on the real-life story of Kim Ho Joong. Edit Translation
- English
- Русский
- Português (Brasil)
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- Native Title: 파파로티
- Also Known As: 나의 파파로티 , Naui Paparoti , I Am Paparoti , Paparoti , My Pavarotti ,
- Screenwriter: Yoo Young Ah
- Director: Yoon Jong Chan
- Genres: Music, Crime, Drama
Where to Watch My Paparotti
Ppv (sub)
Cast & Credits
- Lee Je HoonJang HoMain Role
- Han Seok KyuSang Jin [High school teacher]Main Role
- Kang So RaSook Hee [Jang Ho's girlfriend]Support Role
- Oh Dal SooDuk Saeng [High school principal]Support Role
- Jin Kyung[Sang Jin's Wife]Support Role
- Jo Jin WoongChang SooSupport Role
To fight all this s***** life and actually work towards your dream is not an easy thing to do. What's harder is finding such a teacher. I was fortunate to meet such professors back in college and I'm trying to be that kind of teacher to my students -i'm far behind though- but not every one is as lucky as I was.
The student-teacher relationship in this film is so touching. It's the kind of special relationship I would love to have with my students but too scared to. To get involved into somebody else's life is terrifying.
The chemistry between the two actors in insane. No wonder they were dashing in Secret Door.
Kang So Ra was so cute. I loved her role.
No matter who was singing, the songs and music just went straight to my heart.
The story is so touching; I kept crying throughout.
There are many funny scenes which lighten the mood.
Perfect! Will definitely watch it again -though I never rewatch anything-
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