Sky's red shirt is really fitting for the situation between them lmao.I have to admit that the last episodes couldn't catch me like the story from Phayu and Rain did. It feels like there are way more unnecessary scenes in it. That's pretty sad. :D it could've been easily 9/10 stars for me, but I feel like with episode it just drops and drops further down. T_TP'Joy is a pain in the ass lmao I don't like characters like her.
This episode adalah episode terfavorit dari aku, sky yang membuka hati sepenuhnya, sky yang menjadi imut disetiap bagian dari episode ini, ekspresi baru yang phrapai berikan, untuk pertama kalinya phrapai marah kepada sky, sky yang merasa bersalah, sky yang mulai memberanikan diri untuk keluar dari zona nyamannya ini yang terbaik dari setiap episode didalam Love in the air.
This damn couple had me singing "Does it ever drive you crazy Just how fast the night changes?" FOR DAYS! In the first two episodes they appeared together I HATED THEM! And now I'm routing for them so freaking hard...It started during the last episode, but it consolidated in this one!Sky is doing everything he can think of to test P'Pai, to see how much he can push before he'd get tired of him. And he keeps confirming that he'll not get away of him for any reason. Confirmation is good, confirmation is important, especially for Sky who comes from a very disastrous first approach to love and relationships.It is so clear and painful to see how much his past abusive relationship, ruined love for him.But P'Pai (even though he had a rough start) is currently everything in his power to make him feel secure, valued, important...I'm growing very fond of that idiot!I appreciate the way he clearly said to Sky that even though he definitely feels a physical attraction for him, he is not in search of sex alone, he is there because he truly does love Sky, he cares for him deeply. And this is clear even during the love making scene! They are not just satisfying their lust, they are seeking a connection on a more intimate level! They are touching and kissing eachothers slowly and sweetly! Completely different from their fist time together!I think that Sky finalizes this realization when he sees Prapai's pin! That was very very sweet!
What a great episode. Filled withthe joy ofbeing in loveand the sacrifices one iswilling to make. Shows the transformation inboth . It’s like the calmbefore thestorm. Greatcinematography and editing.
Bon ben ça avance dans le bon sens entre les 2 donc j'ai peur de voir arriver la traditionnelle rupture d'avant dernier épisode. J'espère ne pas tomber encore sur un épisode cliché, je commence à peine à les trouver mignon.L'appel d'urgence de Sky m'aurait aussi fait disjoncter, je comprends la peur qu'il a ressenti. Et le coup de la broche était bien trouvé. Un épisode sympa sans rien de particulier à part une progression dans leur relation.