The story revolves around Lyra, Bernard, Rebecca and Jerome. When Lyra meets Bernard who both lost their spouse, their lives start to intertwine with each other along with Jerome and Rebecca. who suffers from bipolar disorder. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: Second Chances
- Also Known As: Another Chance
- Director: Laurice Guillen
- Screenwriter: Des Garbes-Severino, Mel Mendoza-Del Rosario, Rona Lean Sales, RJ Nuevas, Lobert Villela
- Genres: Romance, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Rafael RosellJerome Padilla / MichaelMain Role
- Jennylyn MercadoLyra Bermudez-PadillaMain Role
- Raymart SantiagoBernard CastelloMain Role
- Camille PratsRebecca Villacorta / "Reb" / "Becky"Main Role
- Chynna OrtalezaColleen ParedesSupport Role
- Roi VinzonFederico VillacortaSupport Role
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