Both have younger guy and older guy relation ship. Boss and emplye relationship. In both younger man try to prove yourself to the world.
Step By Step and Every You Every Me episode 2 (only) are both set in an office type setting where a new employee and the boss fall for each other. Both new employees are more introverted towards the boss and intimidated by him. Both also have the boss being part of the family which owns the company. Step By Step’s MCs encounter more issues than the single episode of Every You Every Me. Both are Thai BL dramas.
Step By Step and Every You Every Me episode 2 (only) are both set in an office type setting where a new employee and the boss fall for each other. Both new employees are more introverted towards the boss and intimidated by him. Both also have the boss being part of the family which owns the company. Step By Step’s MCs encounter more issues than the single episode of Every You Every Me.
Both are Thai BL dramas.
Both are Thai BL dramas.