This story follows the adventures of a young office lady who is also a fujoshi. With the arrival of two new colleagues: Hongou (32), a mature man whose face doesn’t show any emotion, and Daichi (25), a bright young man full of life; it’s hard for her not to imagine these two in torrid situations. (Source: AsianWiki) ~~ Adapted from the manga "Me no Doku Sugiru Shokuba no Futari" (目の毒すぎる職場のふたり) by ma2. Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- עברית / עִבְרִית
- Native Title: 目の毒すぎる職場のふたり
- Also Known As: Two Office Workers Who Are Too Poisonous For One's Eyes
- Director: Kujiraoka Hironori
- Screenwriter: Nishioka To Neil
- Genres: Comedy
Cast & Credits
- Usuda AsamiTodoroki OtoMain Role
- Abe ShinnosukeHongo JoSupport Role
- Sota RyosukeOgawa DaichiSupport Role
- Imou HarukaYamawaki ShizukuSupport Role
- Ikeda RyoKazami TakahiroSupport Role
- Iwaya KenjiIchimonji NarimasaSupport Role
This review may contain spoilers
Every fujoshi's dreams
Me no doku sugiru shokuba no futari is a rather light series. We follow the life of Oto-san who is working as an accountant in her company. Oto is a rather serious person and devoted to her work; however, she has a small secret. She is secretly shipping two of her colleagues. I don't want to get into too much detail because I think that I would spoil all the fun; but, in this jdrama we are able to see how the mind of a fujoshi works and what is reality.Even though it has 25 episodes each episode is only, approximately, 5 minutes long; so, you could watch that in just one sitting. The two male actors have a good chemistry and that makes it easier for the audience to sympathise with Oto and understand her fujoshi thoughts.
Maybe something that bothered me was the open ending. In every episode we could see that there was an explanation for the interaction of the two actors, but the end is open to what could and might happen. I think that there are planning for a new season. If not, then I will be very disappointed with this kind of ending.
But anyway, it is a cute series, with no drama, that is ease on the eye. Watch it :)
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