This film tells the story of Shen Tian Yi, a water management expert, and his fellow student Xin Yuan Hang, who encounter a series of eerie events involving "walking corpses against the current" while addressing the issue of Yellow River flooding in the Gumu Village. They unexpectedly rescue their former companion, Yu Yin, during the process. Together, they embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic occurrences related to the Yellow River. Shen Tian Yi and his companions analyze layer by layer and gradually unravel the mysteries, ultimately discovering a scientific solution to manage the water disaster, bringing lasting peace and harmony back to Gumu Village. (Source: IQIYI) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 黄河异闻录
- Also Known As: Mysterious Case In River , Huang He Yi Wen Lu , 黃河異聞錄
- Genres: Adventure, Historical, Mystery, Supernatural
Where to Watch Anecdotes of the Yellow River
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