This story follows the epic yet ordinary love journey of an 80s-born couple in Beijing. When the most talented young man, Zhou Shui, meets the most loyal and righteous young woman, Da Ji, they fall deeply in love. In their cramped rental room, they dream of a better future and find joy amidst hardships, supporting and cherishing each other. Eighteen years later, a young couple born in the 2000s stumbles upon this record of their love story, becoming spectators and commentators of this tale of youthful romance. The intersection of these two generations sparks memories and reflections on love: Is it "worth it"? Do we still "dare" to love as they did? (Source: Chinese = Tencent Video || Translation = Zhang Wei at MyDramaList) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 值得爱
- Also Known As: Worthy of Love , Zhi De Ai , 值得愛
- Genres: Romance