The story revolves around the "Mother-in-law" Lin Cai Xiang, who again faces challenges from the eldest sons of the Su family. Unbelievably, her eldest son, Su Bing Zhong, has fallen into an extramarital affair. And her second son, Su Bing Xiao, is taken away by the police. Not only facing the predicaments of her sons, Cai Xiang herself also encounters difficulties, becoming a daughter-in-law for the first time. How will she face the challenges from her mother-in-law? The story begins with Taiwanese famous Lin Cai Xiang, the owner of a well-known Pineapple Cake shop in Tainan, who enjoys financial independence, robust health, and stable love, no longer bound by her children's emotions. Beside her are Xiao Ou, her former daughter-in-law, and Champion Pastry Master Fa Gui, who is like her own child. However, Cai Xiang has never experienced a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship, and she will face for the first time the mother of her eldest son, known as "First Mother-in-law". Xiao Ou becomes her most competent advisor, helping her to overcome various tests. Regarding the four siblings of the Su family—Su Bing Zhong, Su Bing Xiao, Su Bing Ren, and Su Bin Gai, each will face unprecedented life challenges. Although Cai Xiang wants to help them, she herself is also facing problems. How can she confront these challenges to strike a balance between taking care of her family and protecting herself? On the other hand, the feelings between Xiao Ou and Fa Gui have barely entered the next phase, but they are on shaky ground due to quarrels and even face the predicament of a breakup. Can these seemingly heroic lovers eventually find a happy ending? (Source: iQilin; edited by chels at MyDramaList) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 我的婆婆怎麼那麼可愛 第二季
- Also Known As: U Motherbaker 2 , My Cute Mother-in-law Season 2 , My Cute Mother-in-law 2 , Wo De Po Po Zen Me Na Me Ke Ai 2 , Wo De Po Po Zen Me Na Me Ke Ai Di Er Ji , Wo Te Po Po Tsen Me Na Me Kei Ai 2 , Wo Te Po Po Tsen Me Na Me Kei Ai Ti Erh Chi , 我的婆婆怎麼那麼可愛2 , 我的婆婆怎么那么可爱2 , 我的婆婆怎麽那麽可爱2 , 我的婆婆怎麽那麽可爱 第2季 , 我的婆婆怎麽那麽可爱 第二季
- Director: Danny Deng
- Genres: Comedy
Cast & Credits
- Chung Hsin Ling Main Role
- Huang Pei Jia Support Role
- Joe Zhang Support Role
- Honduras Hong Support Role
- Darren Chiu Support Role
- Esther Liu Support Role