Set in Jiangcheng during the Republic of China, "The Warrior" follows Yan Yu Mo, an intelligence officer hailing from a prestigious family of calligraphers. Yan Yu Mo and his companion, Gu Xin Cheng, navigate through various political factions, utilizing traditional calligraphy to unravel complex mysteries. Despite facing numerous life-threatening challenges, they remain steadfast in their beliefs. Their journey of growth and transformation is deeply influenced by their unwavering faith. (Source:; edited by MyDramaList) Edit Translation
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- 한국어
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Cast & Credits
- Xiao YuYan Yu MoMain Role
- Xu TaoGu Xin ChengMain Role
- Ni Han JinFu Shao KongSupport Role
- Zhong XiWang YuSupport Role
- Qu JingLi FengSupport Role
- He Wen XiaoYan Yu MoVoice Actor