Five impoverished youths embark on a journey to escape their harsh provincial life, only to find themselves trapped in a child labor camp and later exploited by a heartless syndicate in the bustling streets of Metro Manila. Rescued by a compassionate task force and placed in an orphanage, four of them find new families and success, while one descends into a life of hardship and incarceration. Years later, they reunite as grown-ups, determined to find their lost friend. A lawyer among them discovers their friend, now suffering from dementia in prison, and with relentless effort, secures his release. Together, they embark on a moving journey back to their roots, where their friend gradually rediscovers his past amidst enduring friendship and hope. (Source: PINOYFLIX YouTube) ~~ Release dates: May 31, 2023 (Premiere) || Mar 13, 2024 (Cinema) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: Layas
- Also Known As:
- Director: JR Olinares
- Genres: Youth, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Nadine Samonte Main Role
- Alex Medina Main Role
- Joem Bascon Main Role
- Michelle Vito Main Role
- Dianne Medina Support Role
- Ping Medina Support Role