Mirumachi Kahori, a lawyer, repeatedly finds herself in problematic relationships. Despite her "no cheating" rule, she unknowingly starts an affair with Sunagoya, a high school teacher who is in the midst of a divorce. (Source: TMDb) ~~ Adapted from the manga series "Batsukoi" (バツコイ) by Tsukiko (月子). Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
Cast & Credits
- Takada RihoMirumachi KahoriMain Role
- Watanabe ShuSunagoya TeruyoshiSupport Role
- Inoue SoraEto KoukiSupport Role
- Sung MoPark Do JunSupport Role
- Sato MegumiSakawa ReiSupport Role
- Yamaguchi MayuShirushin YokoSupport Role