Megumi Yotsugi, a student at Eichi University, meets Kotoha Furuhashi, a beautiful girl who was abandoned at the garbage dump. After visiting Kotoha's mysterious home, Megumi decides that she wants to be her friend, but she is flat-out rejected. Later, she learns that Kotoha is an alias. Thus, Kotoha replies with another suggestion: be my girlfriend until you guess my name. Then, during their temporary relationship, if she guesses her real name, they'll become friends—a strange bet. Megumi, unable to say no to the bet, deepens her relationship with Kotoha as her girlfriend. However, the past hidden in her name begins to bare its fangs. Facing others head-on. Accepting oneself. To know what happiness is. A new-generation girl's love story surging with clumsy feelings and heartbreak from a time-limited relationship. (Source: Japan Program Catalogue) ~~ Adapted from the novel "Call Me by No-Name" (コールミー・バイ・ノーネーム) by Shasendo Yuki (斜線堂 有紀). Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: コールミー・バイ・ノーネーム
- Also Known As: Kooru Mii Bai Noo Neemu
- Director: Eda Yuuka
- Genres: Mystery, Psychological, Romance
Cast & Credits
- Kudo MioYotsugi MegumiMain Role
- Osaki IchikaFuruhashi KotohaMain Role
- Nakai TomoYabata TsukasaSupport Role
- Mihara UiMurayama SanaeSupport Role
- Hashimoto RyoMurata ManabuSupport Role