A Good Foundation
So... you want to get into Pete and Kao's story but don't know where to start? That was exactly my dilemma! A quick Google search told me that this three-part compilation by GMMTV was all you really needed in order to continue onto Dark Blue Kiss, the sequel series. I do think it accomplished what it meant to do, as most of the reviews on the full series (Kiss Me Again) claim to have just skipped to the Pete/Kao scenes anyway. But that doesn't mean it was smooth sailing.The first half of this mini-series was rough for me to watch. It literally does what it claims to— it just shows the scenes with Pete and Kao. That's it. And with so much of the show and overall storyline cut out, there is really no tangible plot to follow. The animosity between the two of them, without any context, was boring at best and annoying at worst. Also— there were SO many fight scenes??? And it felt like they were one right after the other, so repetitive and boring, but that was mostly because this compilation doesn't show the scenes that happen in between. Still, it got to be a bit much.
I did end up enjoying the second half much more, especially once the jealousy and actual feelings emerged. I don't totally love the characters yet, but I'm looking forward to watching a full series about them!
Ultimately, this is probably the best way to give a viewer the background so they can jump into the next show, but I'm really hoping Dark Blue Kiss is miles better than this was.
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A little broken but who cares
Before I venture in to watching the series Dark Blue Kiss, I decided to get the backstory of our 2 main characters and that is what compelled me to watch this cut. It delivered what it promised and I got the basic understanding of how their relationship started. But looking at it objectively there are still a lot of questions unanswered but I am fine with it.This cut of the series gives us a glimpse in to the story of Kao and Pete. They share a tumultuous relationship due to some misunderstanding or something…. I can’t tell you even if I tried as the series explains it just a few words. But what started as animosity slowly transforms in to love. We get scenes of Pete being jealous and Kao playing hard to get and you are rooting for both these characters. Pete is shown as flawed as he is quick to temper and doesn’t shy away from physical confrontations whereas the character of Kao is not well defined. All we get to know is that he is good natured, cares for his friends, and is good at photography and studies. While we understand Pete’s anger issues, Kao still remains a mystery to me.
But a series that in my opinion exists as a preamble to Dark Blue Kiss, I will not hold these flaws against it as I am hoping that all the questions around the animosity between Kao and Pete will be answered in the other series along with the character of Kao being more fleshed out.
In conclusion since this is a cut from the original series, there are some hard edits that suddenly pulls you out of the scenes and affects the pace, but all is forgiven thanks to the acting chops of our 2 main characters and this keeps me excited to watch the rest of their story.
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Trošku mě vadilo, že to Thajci přepískli s tím, jak moc se ti dva zezačátku nenáviděli a neustále se mlátili. Láska a nenávist to sice mají k sobě blízko, ale ty bitky ... Ale jinak jeden z těch nejlepších kratších seriálů. Obě hlavní postavy naprosto dokonalé fyzickým vzhledem a ztvárnili své role moc dobře, i to, že věkově už ve skutečnosti měli oba dva pár let po vysoké škole. Vůbec Thajci s tím věkem dokáží hodně pracovat. Když June sděloval Petovi a Kaovi, že Sun, majitel kavárny, je už k nim postarší, tak ve skutečnosti Sun byl ze všech čtyř nejmladší (Sun = Pod a nejvíce jej znám jako Tonhon ze seriálu Tonhon Chonlatee). Další devizou miniseriálu bylo i to, že se už dál neštěpil na další zdržovačky. Výborné zpracování.
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This review may contain spoilers
It's obvious I started it because I wanted to finally watch DBK but wanted to know all Pete's and Kao's story and this should help me understand more their relationship but I ended up even more confused 😂The whole time I did not understand why Pete is so irritated by Kao and then out of sudden he started to be dramatically jealous seeing him with someone else. Tbh, Pete's character is pretty confusing by itself. I don't know if he's smart because he confronted his problematic ex he wanted to get rid of so much and dated her again because he thought he's jealous of her and then broke up with he again and she obviously wanted a revenge. It was so dumb move imo. In this series I'd be definitely Kao because he was as confused as me. Pete was attacking him for no reason and was meddling with his personal life and did not want him to see his friend Sun even though he did not even know how he feels. Then when he got into argument with Kao because of his behavior, he admitted he likes him, aggressively kissed him without consent and slept with him. Kao might had not pushed him away but that could be out of shock because he seriously had no clue Pete thinks about him this way plus Kao himself had feelings for him but it doesn't mean it was okay. Then Pete apologized for it and wanted to act like nothing happened but he still could not see Kao with someone else so he wanted to make Kao date him. Kao did not want to give up so easily and played hard to get because he knew how Pete is and could not trust him. He always threw his girlfriends away like some trash when he got tired of them just one might have cheated on him but with his personality I'm not even surprised. He's too jealous and aggressive. And he really hurt Kao when he wanted him to leave his friends so they don't have to see each other.
Kao is just too kind so he did everything Pete wanted but ended up being hurt. Pete even accused him of taking advantage of situation and stealing his ex. It really hurt since Kao already had feelings for him and Kao himself did not know what he should do to make Pete stop being angry with him.
In conclusion, Pete just don't deserve Kao. Kao is too kind, naive, obeying, cute, boyfriend material as he really cares about others. While Pete is too selfish, possessive, violent, careless, jealous...
Yes, he started to change at the end as he started dating Kao but I hope he'll change much more in DBK because if he hurt Kao just because he was spending his time with other man... it's abusive relationship and that's wrong.
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If you don't want to watch 14 episodes of Sandee's sisters, watch this compilation instead
Only after I finished the whole KMA series, I found out that there exists a PeteKao cut on YouTube. Oh well.However, some scenes aren’t complete in the cut. Whoever cut it, left out a few seconds before a scene sometimes.
Well, on to the story: Finally some kiss scenes between them.
Tho I felt bad for Kao most of the time. The way Pete treated him at the beginning was really hurtful. And then after he made a move on him, he gave him a cold shoulder again. Like, dude, you can’t just play with someone’s feelings like that?? Honestly I just wanted to hug Kao.
Well, I’m happy they could resolve this though. I’m also glad that Kao made it clear that he doesn’t want Pete to fool around with him.
Also, the parents of Pete and Kao were amazing.
I love how realistic they kept it, but the amount of times Pete got beaten or participated in a fight, was at some point kinda annoying. Literally the only reason why Kao and Pete got closer, which bugs me a lot.
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