Amber Smith
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 8, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 10

I wasn't prepared

Thisnis my first review EVER. This movie hits in just the right times to keep you watching. It depicts young men getting to know themselves as they come of age. As with all adults and kids, some are asshats and then there's everyone else. I wasn't at all prepared for this film to hit me right in feels and make me want to do a review for the first time to get things off my chest. You really feel for the characters and then some twist will make you want to hit something. Happy watching this beautiful roller-coaster. I will watch again... when I need a good emo day.
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Feb 25, 2021
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

head in hands

I think my heart is broken. It feels like it’s split in half... no way no no how can it end like that :((( I loved this movie so much, the soundtrack, the realism of it all... hell even the acting of the characters who were assholes and deserve death were jaw dropping.


COUGH the dude who was best friends with Juju, I can’t be bothered to remember his name. What a PRICK. I never understood WHY he would out his best friend like that just to “fit in”. Yeah. He was being threatened but bruh he really said “fuck this friendship.'' Also, i don't understand what Juju did wrong for him to out him like that, he said he ''betrayed him first'' but I didnt catch it, maybe he noticed Juju was fixated on Gowoon and felt jealous? Or, he is just a plain homophobe?

Right from the beginning, I knew Gowoon cared forJuju . I knew it. Or feelings may have developed later on because at the start he was disgusted with Juju thinking of him more as a friend and that’s valid, if you’re straight I suppose. But nah..... they went through thick and thin and Gowoon questioning his sexuality even though he didn’t say it was so sad because you don’t want to believe it but the heart truly wants what it wants. Gowoon may have been a fucking asshole sometimes and he really did piss me off. Like, I’m not sure if Juju never got raped, he may of proper showed that he cared. That’s my opinion, but it’s like he had reality check when he realised Juju was in danger and how no one can fucking touch him but him. And honestly those kids who raped Juju should be in JAIL. PERIOD. Yeah Gowoon fought everyone off it was basically a massacre without death but it was for a damn good reason. I wish everyone knew what those kids did to Juju so it could justify why Gowoon blew up like that.
Anyways, I’m too sad to continue. The build up was great And I loved this movie so much. It's not just something you watch and never think about. There's multiple messages in the movie that you have to figure out on your own. It felt genuinely real. I just hope they had a happy ending , even if we don’t know.

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Trung Colby
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 15, 2017
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
Phim hay quá, cách làm c?a Hàn kô có ?y m? nh? Thái, VN hay ?ài Loan, di?n viên ?óng c?ng ??t ch? kô ph?i làm ch?i ch?i tay ngang. Tình yêu trong phim này th? hi?n ? s? quan tâm nhau ? nh?ng chi ti?t nh?, t?ng c? ch? nh? (nh?ng b?c ?nh, nh?ng lý do ng?y bi?n ?? dc ? g?n b?n, chi?c giày, cái cúc áo, c?p vé tàu, cái chích ?i?n, cái th? nh?, v.v..), dù nó kô ph?i là 1 tình yêu màu h?ng nh?ng là tình yêu có chi?u sâu, m?i c?nh 2 di?n viên chính ? bên nhau ??u là nh?ng c?nh ??t giá. K? thu?t làm phim, k?ch b?n di?n xu?t, hóa trang, ch?n nh?c, m?i th? ??u tuy?t v?i. Hi v?ng 1 vài th? h? n?a thì VN có th? cho ra ??i 1 b? phim nh? v?y.

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Ice Bear-imnida
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 27, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 6.0
The story is great. It is really an eye-opening piece that reflects what other gay people experiences growing up in countries where LGBT representation is not yet fully established. I like how the characters progressed and how their respective pasts were presented and it intertwined with the current events. Its a bitter-sweet movie if you'd like to ask me. While I have nothing to complain on how great the story and the actors is I just wish that more Korean Gay movies would have a happy ending, why? Because:
- LGBT people to this date is being prosecuted for being who they are in other places and I personally think that the premise has already been used every time
- I have to admit that not all the time its a happy day but compared to heteros LGBT people already acknowledge that not all love stories are bound to have a happy end which will lead me to my last point that is:
- I hope that they'd produce more movies that has happy endings as we like to have a break from the sadness too

Basically sums up my opinion on why I rather the rewatch value 6 even if its a gold.

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Jun 21, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers
WARNINGS: Rape and an off screen Almost attempt of Suicide.

Slight spoilers:

I normally don't go for actually mean bad boy dramas but god Gi Woong ends up being my favorite person in the world at the end of it all.
A Must see I have to say. I've watched it many times, especially the end lol.
I was a bit annoyed boy how long it took Gi Woong to start being a good boy and like the guy back but when he did he DID NOT DISAPPOINT.
The rapists get whats coming to them 10 fold.Don't even worry about them. A very satisfying Justice delivered swiftly and SAVAGELY <3
The Ending is good! A Bit ambiguous but come on. Who wouldn't wait for Gi Woong you KNow they figure things out c:

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Oct 4, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 7.0


Esse foi meu primeiro bl, e eu considero ele o pior bl que já vi, mas é meu favorito.
Chorei por horas e continuo chorando quando revejo, mas é simplesmente perfeito.
É uma confusão de sentimentos, ódio, amor, confusão, esse bl é uma merda, mas é tão perfeito.
Eu consigo odiá-lo e ama-lo.
Meu primeiro bl, meu bl favorito, e o pior bl que ja vi, depois de playboyy.
Assistam, vale a pena, mas se procuram um romance clichê, não é o bl certo.
Considerem assistir em uma quarta-feira a tarde, um dia frio, tomando algo quente e no conforto, porque o bl é desconfortável o suficiente.

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Apr 1, 2022
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Je viens de me prendre une claque et quelle claque !

J'ai eu envie de voir ce film car les productions en format long métrage sur le thème de l'homosexualité coréenne sont encore assez rare mais j'ai toujours vu qu'elles avaient un sacré potentiel.

Ce film est douloureusement touchant mais ce n'est pas non plus un film qui est fait pour nous faire pleurer ou nous apitoyer, il nous montre la réalité dure et brute pour nous lancer au visage : "voilà, ça arrive encore, ça arrive toujours, c'est la réalité et ça fait mal." C'est un film qui dénonce, qui expose les faits, qui nous montre les traitements réservés aux adolescents homosexuels, même si, à mon sens, on aurait pu reprendre le même scénario avec des adultes, des hétéro, un autre pays ou une temporalité plus proche de la notre car, partout encore, certains préjugés ne tombent pas, certains se croient les "défenseurs" de la bonne marche à suivre.

Ce film n'est pas un conte pour jeune ados, c'est un éveilleur de conscience et il le fait de manière dure (mais tragiquement réelle) pour essayer que ces situations ne se reproduisent pas à l'avenir. Ce film parvient à montrer une réalité honnête, avec des scènes frappantes et une intrigue solide.

Le film nous montre une amitié qui s'est effilochée avec le temps, une sorte d'amitié amère et unilatérale qui manque de proximité et de mots jusqu'à ce qu'on découvre les sentiments qu'entretient Yong Joo pour Gi Wook. Mais ne vous attendez pas à de la romance ou de la douceur, il n'y en a pas. Les émotions ne peuvent être perçues qu'à travers les gestes, la façon dont ils se regardent, la façon dont ils ne se regardent pas quand ils ne peuvent pas se voir mais qu'ils s'interrogent sur l'autre, et les mots qu'ils semblent toujours partager sans parler. Des mots cruels et gentils à la fois. Ainsi, les moments où ils parlent, le dialogue est en fait complexe, derrière des mots simples.

La personnalité des deux protagonistes est pure, simple mais si seule. Ils ont tous les deux une histoire personnelle lourde mais l’appréhendent de différente façon : Yong Joo assume complètement ce qu'il est mais sait ne pas se dévoiler autrement que devant les personnes en qui il a pleinement confiance, il est courageux et sincère, plein de rêves. Quant à Gi Wook, il est calme, voire même trop silencieux car ne sachant comment s'exprimer, il est violent mais toujours pour des raisons ciblées, il développe le caractère brut du film.

Le jeu des acteurs, qui s'intéressent davantage au langage corporel qu'aux mots, était intense et étonnamment bon. Je pouvais sentir leur douleur grandir au fond de moi et certaines scènes me restent encore gravées en mémoire. Petite note pour le déchainement de violence de Gi Wook (vous voyez duquel je parle, bien sûr) : je sais que la violence n'est pas une solution mais j'ai trouvé particulièrement jouissif cet événement où Gi Wook a été mes poings et mes pieds, accomplissant la vengeance que je rêvais d'avoir sur les crétins congénitaux (pour rester poli.e) qui sont juste bons à abattre dans le film.

C'est un film triste et réaliste, avec des adolescents tristes et amoureux. Trop jeunes pour être aussi abîmés, chamboulés par la vie. Et ici, les acteurs ne ressemblent pas à des top models, leur peau n'est pas divine et marmoréenne. Ils ont l'air humains et ils se battent pour être reconnu comme humains, dans un monde rempli de silhouettes sans émotions et nuisibles.

Chose rare, je vais parler de la musique : quand on l'entend, elle nous parle d'émotions, par petites touches, juste ce qu'il faut pour rendre une scène touchante au bon moment, tel le battement du cœur du film qui accompagne la douleur de ses personnages.

L'émotion se retrouve également dans la photographie du film : des couleurs lumineuses, fourmillantes de détails et dégradées, vraiment artistiques, nous parlent d'amour. Tandis que la réalité cruelle ressort par des teintes brutes et monotones. Le réalisateur a su instiller de la créativité dans ses prises de vue.

Mon bilan : je reverrai très certainement ce film (même si je sais qu'il fera aussi mal, même sûrement plus, bien plus) mais pas tout de suite, il faut le laisser s'imprégner, il faut le voir le soir, quand le cerveau, un peu fatigué, n'analyse plus trop, laissant la place aux sentiments qui sont plus affutés et, là, on peut détecter la douceur qui s'y cache, car en fait elle est là, camouflée au milieu de cette histoire douloureusement tragique qui est une piqure de rappel sur la bêtise humaine et sur tout ce que peut supporter l'amour, même interdit, même difficile.

Regardez ce film, ne le jugez pas avant de l'avoir vu.

Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.

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26 days ago
Completed 0
Overall 3.5
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0


Tenias al gay fachero piola y te venis a agarrar al hetero violento que te robo la bici, te cago a piñas, te escupio en la cara Y ENCIMA le hace bullyng a tu mejor amigo. Pero a vos te pegaban en casa, que mierda esperabas???
Yong ju llega a quedar como una acosador, el otro no es mejor tampoco. Gi Woong es simplemente un violento de mierda. Casi todos los personajes son odiables.

La escena de abuso sexual es innecesaria junto con otras muchas escenas más. Pareciera que quiere criticar muchos temas a la misma vez y le sale para el culo. Muy decepcionante

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1 people found this review helpful
Jun 26, 2019
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
Minhas expectativas estavam altas por conta das avaliações boas e, no fim, fui decepcionada.
O ponto alto da história é, com certeza, a realidade retratada no enredo. O preconceito, o bullying, violência, homossexualidade, estupro... enfim, as críticas sociais são gritantes em todo o filme. Entretanto, para o MEU gosto pessoal, foi bastante difícil assistir algo que parecia não ter propósito. Acho importante os filmes, especialmente em países mais tradicionais, mostrarem a dura realidade da minoria da população, mas me incomoda quando parece não haver um motivo para mostrar esses assuntos tão delicados e complexos.
Chegou um ponto em que eu nem sabia mais o porquê de estar assistindo. Até além da metade do filme, as cenas chocantes se tornam repetitivas. É muito demorado para responder determinadas questões e são duas horas de filme que se arrastam longamente. Por conta disso, apesar de eu achar extremamente relevante os assuntos tratados na história, coloquei o mínimo do rewatch value porque eu não assistiria esse filme novamente por vontade própria.
O final foi satisfatório, apesar dos pesares. A atuação dos atores fez valer a pena a cena final e deu até um gostinho de não ter sido um tempo perdido, mas não me agradou como um todo.

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