Kira looks a little too baby faced for my tastes but you can't have everything. I'll try not to be prejudiced though, his acting seems to be pretty good judging from those few scenes. I feel like we'll see a more badass depiction of L, too. And actually, I'm thrilled about that. Don't get me wrong, I love how much of an alien L originally is. But I find it exciting to see a new twist to the characters as well. I was actually shocked over the amount of dislikes and I wish everybody would stop making a fuss because of the cast's race. After all it's an American approach to the story which is not even set in Japan. I get that it may be a little weird to see an American adaption of an Japanese franchise, if you're very into their media or their culture in general. But you shouldn't be so narrow-minded to expect an exact copy of the original or the manga "coming to life". Besides, that would be boring as hell because there already is a Japanese live action. It's been just a two-minute-trailer so far, why are so many people already hating?