Hi guys, 

So I just saw the new trailer on Youtube and since Death Note is one of the biggest animes out there I was curious about what everyone thinks of the US movie adaption. Feel free to criticize as much as you want. 

wow! I was ready for something absolutely messy and laughable and like terrible.. im probably not going to watch it anyways but trailer looks pretty good!

Although... i am not really into the actor they picked for L. i think asian actor would fit him better  and honestly 'Misa' doesnt really fit her original character. she looks like your usual pretty girl that is slightly crazy while i would maybe prefer the 'manic pixie dream' girl to be american misa (but maybe that would be a little too stereotypical? but then again the one they have feels kinda basic to me.. misa was always so extra :D)

so basically.. visually seems everything really good (at least in the trailer) but actors are just ????

EDIT: i actually was never /totally/ into death note. i watched it, i enjoyed it but i basically dont remember shit. i checked the yt comments and omg so much rage about how bad this is :D
I think it looks horrible. >_
Uggh that looks absolutely terrible >.<  and this J-movie is a psychological thriller...this rubbish looks like a typical English action movie. :/
Awful and a disgrace to the original series. Blatant whitewashing by media again since they couldn't even be bothered to cast a single Japanese actor or actress. And the whole point of Light was that he was the last kind of person you'd expect to be Kira, since he was a Japanese honour student who was handsome and incredibly intelligent and had everything going for him. This greasy haired dude screams "potential serial killer" from a mile off.
I thought I would give it a chance but honestly, I don't think they chose the right actors, especially for L and light. I totally understand that since it's not just a remake but something inspired of DN, it's bound to be different, but yeah... It looks like they totally changed the meaning of the manga, just making it another action-movie...
Well, Ryuk looks cool. The rest I'm iffy about.
Kira looks a little too baby faced for my tastes but you can't have everything. I'll try not to be prejudiced though, his acting seems to be pretty good judging from those few scenes. I feel like we'll see a more badass depiction of L, too. And actually, I'm thrilled about that. Don't get me wrong, I love how much of an alien L originally is. But I find it exciting to see a new twist to the characters as well. I was actually shocked over the amount of dislikes and I wish everybody would stop making a fuss because of the cast's race. After all it's an American approach to the story which is not even set in Japan. I get that it may be a little weird to see an American adaption of an Japanese franchise, if you're very into their media or their culture in general. But you shouldn't be so narrow-minded to expect an exact copy of the original or the manga "coming to life". Besides, that would be boring as hell because there already is a Japanese live action. It's been just a two-minute-trailer so far, why are so many people already hating?
LOL @ neo "greasy haired dude" ugh I waited forever for this on IMDB, what a disappointment! It doesn't even look like a Death Note movie, more like a typical English action movie like IzzyDramaLover said. I would want to watch to see how bad it is but I don't use Netflix. 
ryuk looks dope but im just a little meh about how L Light Misa are white :/  i'd prefer it if they were asian and set in japan. 
i think its just disrespectful to the original to not even bother casting an asian as one of the main leads... ffs
@xcrystalstarx i mean u could always find netflix dramas online for free, mayb just illiegal tho XD 
This movie for me doesn't even exist.

I think that the American version on it's on it would be a hit. But to me it was just horrible. It was messy and it felt like they took out way to much stuff that made it work. From the character personalities to the story. They should have stayed true to the book or anime if they were going to attempt something this popular. Although to be fair there are a lot people saying it's bad because they didn't want american making it which is fair enough (case in point dragon ball evolution). It seemed like everyone i knew that doesn't like anime loved it and everyone that does like anime hated it. Although the acting wasn't as bad as Dragon ball, it's still pretty far up there with it. It thought the cast was a terrible chose as well. Except for the guy that played L. I liked him

I wish I never saw it... It was terrible! Only good thing came out of it is Ryuk and Wilem Dafoe cast as him is perfect! 

I didn’t watch it but I saw some clips and I think it’s better to pass on this one