I just wanted to try having discussions for episodes, since I'm that obsessed. Comments aren't required to be super thought-provoking, but bonus points to you if you happen to want to delve deeper into potential symbols, character/scene analysis, etc.

Anyways, looking forward to discussing this show with others while waiting for remaining episodes! All opinions are welcome. 

I don't usually watch teacher-student type of dramas as they invariably freak me out. I don't even know why I started watching this one but they have done such a great job handling a sensitive subject matter. 

Even though Hijiri is older and in a position of power, she never tries to manipulate or lord her position over Akira the way a lot of male teachers tend to do in this sort of dramas. She wants so hard to do the right thing and through it all, we don't lost respect for her. My favorite part in the first episode is when Akira falls of his chair when Hijiri smiles! The relationship between then feels so natural and realistic as well. I think in the beginning Hijiri sees the potential in Akira and wants to mentor him so that he can grow into his full potential. Over all the first episode set a really good tone for what comes next. 

There is so much groundwork laid in the first episode, yet it has this lovely languid thoughtfulness that pervades throughout. The writer has set most of the first episode in junior high, and accurately captures the daily life of a school.

It is the acting of our two main leads that draws us in. She is completely believable as the dewy new teacher, full of hope and good intentions. He is completely believable as a junior high boy full of sharp opinions and bursting feelings.  The microexpressions convey all their fleeting thoughts,  from Akira reacting to the surprisingly gentle humor of Hijiri, to Hijiri  wilting under Akiras hard questions. His outburst at the end, when he declares his feelings for Hijiri is brilliant, capturing both the excitement and then confusion of "now what do I do?"

I feel the poem serves as a metaphor. Love, like the spring rain, is quietly inexorable, coming in and changing everything.

The poem is a metaphor for the whole story like good rain knows when to fall same as their love.


The poem is a metaphor for the whole story like good rain knows when to fall same as their love.


I didn't quite understand why did Kuroiwa hit Hijiri when she compliments him.


I didn't quite understand why did Kuroiwa hit Hijiri when she compliments him.

I'm unsure too, maybe he really doesn't understand all these new emotions he's feeling towards her. I kind of wish he didn't hit her to be honest. I think It's also sort of used as a plot device since other students are talking about how Sensei is reporting on them. Leaving Akira to wonder why she hasn't said anything to anyone about it making him to wonder how she feels about him. 

This drama was amazing btw,loved kasumichan<33