Itazura Na Kiss is a manga created by Kaoru Tada in 1990. In 1996, the first drama adaption was made in Japan by the same name. That was the beginning of a story that still is being remade today all over Asia.
I have seen many of the drama adaptions of Itazura Na Kiss. I wanted to know how everyone rates them. Here is my list.
1. Mischievous Kiss 1 & 2 (2013 and 2014, Japan) Great cast and great acting. Really funny and heartwarming. Can watch it over and over again.
2. It Started with a Kiss and They Kiss Again (2005 and 2007, Taiwan) I call the MATURE version of them all. Like the rater R version with the much better drama and kissing. Great cast and acting.
3. Miss in Kiss (2016, Taiwan) It was average. I didn't like acting too much.
4. Playful Kiss (2010, South Korea) Irie was TOO emotionless and mean in this version. It also had like no kissing in this drama. Rated PG.
5. Itazura Na Kiss (1996, Japan) I watched this a long time ago. I remember it was pretty serious compared to the funny anime and manga.
Itazura Na Kiss (2008, Japan Anime) Would be number 3 if it were a drama. The anime goes more into her pregnancy at the end.
Versions not watched
Playful Kiss: Special Edition (2010, South Korea)
Kiss Me (2015, Thailand)
Movie Adaptions Not Watched
Mischievous Kiss: The Movie - High School (2016, Japan)
Mischievous Kiss: The Movie - Campus (2017, Japan)
Mischievous Kiss: The Movie - The Proposal (2017, Japan)
Fall in Love at First Kiss (2019, Taiwan)