I was thinking about learning Chinese (Mandarin specifically as it appears to be more widely spoken) but the only things that I'm apprehensive about are the Chinese characters, the tones and being misunderstood.
I just wanted to know, how difficult is it realistically speaking?
Especially learning the characters itself?
As for the tones, there seems to be a lot of people who have trouble with this. There was even a funny tongue twister video where the whole sentence sounded like, "shuh shuh shuh shuh..." and I wonder if it's really that hard to speak? I know that tongue twisters are purposely made hard but is it hard to remember which sound implies what?
And finally is it easy to find Chinese speakers for guidance? I am learning Korean and it's almost impossible to find native speakers to talk to about doubts so I mostly have to hope I can search the net or youtube for grammar points regarding my doubts.
With so many Chinese speakers, I feel it is worthwhile to know the language. I'm just not confident about how to go about learning it. So I certainly welcome tips as well.
And sorry if I come across ignorant. I will literally be starting from scratch.