what are your favourites?


Love reading fantasy books and these guys are my favourite go-to where all that's concerned. Their friendship chemistry is great while their humour is fun and decent. It's easy to listen in on them with whatever topic around the medium they want to deeply discuss. 

The Dollop- two comedians talk about important people/events in history, obviously it's part informative part comedy. On a similar vein there is Respect the Dead where they talk about awful people through history and basically end every episode with 'well, glad they're dead.'

Teen Creeps- they talk about ya horror books mostly from the 90s or 80s like Fear Street not so much the younger stuff like Goosebumps

I also like The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie and Katya, and Smosh Mouth, but those podcasts I feel like you have to know the people on them.

I like listening to Haunted Cosmos