I really love this one ! It gives an Buzzer Beat feeling. Japanese drama's are just something else <3
I really like this drama more each time I see a new episode. It kinds of make me wish I had waited until it finished airing, so I could just dramathon through it.
just watched episode 5 . I think this is my favorite show I am currently watching. it's funny and sweet.
Episode 6 is subbed! :D
I finished ep. 6 earlier and I love this drama!

I really don't like the girlfriend though. ->She never understands him. It's so frustrating how she is so involved in her own one person melodrama.
what I like the most about this is even though it is japanese there is none of the anime style to clash with. it's nice a smooth ...did I say I am loving it...:) I am loving it
I'm a little late to this party but I love this so far. I especially love the camera work, the clarity of the picture and the set design. I want to hang out at Le Petit Chou! (The new one) What an amazing space and design. I love the warehouse come restaurant! I love Eisuke too. He's so brash and volatile but I can tell he has a huge heart. I am excited for the development of him and the girl (can't remember their names.) There are some very clever lines in this show. The writing is solid so far. I also like the Dad. So far, so very good!
Jeaniessi wrote: I'm a little late to this party but I love this so far. I especially love the camera work, the clarity of the picture and the set design. I want to hang out at Le Petit Chou! (The new one) What an amazing space and design. I love the warehouse come restaurant!

I love Eisuke too. He's so brash and volatile but I can tell he has a huge heart. I am excited for the development of him and the girl (can't remember their names.) There are some very clever lines in this show. The writing is solid so far. I also like the Dad.

So far, so very good!

Welcome aboard! How many episodes have you watched?
LisNoir wrote: Welcome aboard! How many episodes have you watched?

I'm on 3 and taking it slow because there are only a few episodes subbed. I'm eating them up like candy, they are so good. (bad pun! but true)

*edited to add* ~ and the food! OMO! it all looks so good. I wish it was a real place! that would be the coolest restaurant.
this is one of the awesome jdramas. Can't wait for this to end. :)
Spoiler for ep 4.

I love the little things ~ like Eisuke's shirt that reads: Please Trust Me, I Am @$$hole. It's a funny shirt...a funny joke. But the sentence structure is incorrect in English. It should read: Please Trust Me, I am an @$$hole. A bit lost in translation...but not much.

It is definitely not as bad as 49 Days "Rocker Room" sign outside the "Locker Room"...
Another thing I am so DIGGING about this groovy little show. The excellently cool songs! Jet, Oasis...and more. Each episode always features a cool rock tune. LOVE IT!

Has ep. 7 aired yet? anyone know?
Great minds think alike I was just gonna say where is episode 7 ? It has been 7 days ...where is it? does anyone know what is going on with it?
Episode 7 is subbed.