MDL Drama Profile[/URL]

The story revolves around the 38-year-old Usa Shijimi (Watanabe), who is a high school classical literature teacher. Her students are mean to her, but they don’t realize that she has another identity. Outside school, she lies about her age to be active as the super popular 17-year-old idol Watanabe Mayu, whom the students adore.


Watanabe Mayu as Usa Shijimi
Ando Tamae
Sakata Tadashi
Kaminaga Keisuke
Takahashi Hitomi
Akimoto Yasushi
I don't think this one is for me. The premise seems silly.
Jeaniessi wrote: I don't think this one is for me. The premise seems silly.

Yeah, I'm not sure if I will watch it...I have too much on my list from the beginning of the year dramas...jejeje
Haha It sounds pretty out there, but funny. I might give it a shot.
It doesn´t seem so bad and quite funny too ;) I am sure I have watched something similiar before ...Is it based on some manga or something like that? :p
This is actually a pretty funny drama...
I really liked it and I think people should watch it and give it a chance. Mayu Watanabe is a wonderful actress. I really enjoyed this and am hoping for a season 2! Would be nice XD
Also if you haven't watched it yet and made a discussion thread for it, doesn't make sense and are not going to even watch it....I dunno...*shrugs*....
I finished this today and have to say that I really liked it. It was light, cute, and breezy. I really hope they do a second season, because I really want Mayuyu/Usasen to be with *Nashimoto (I fangirl over him too much)*
I finished this was stupid