so ive been waiting for im home and algnernon eng subs. cant find them anywhere.

anyone knows how to get it?

i also started fuben na benriya because subs are avialable.

and doesnt it piss u off that some losers like to sub stuff but privatize it so that they can make their own websites popular by forcing u to subscribe and like etc.

was never going to watch dr rintaro but disappointed that one of those monkey subbers decided to pick it up, so it most likely wont be subbed by others who are more communal and happy to share. 

They start doing that kind of thing because they hate those streaming sites that taking money from viewers, where subs are supposed to be used without any concern of money. Some people worked hard subbing it, but those streaming sites take the profit. Now I find this funny because viewers are actually prefer streaming sites. I don't like their way but I won't say they're looser because subbing is not easy (at least for me; I tried to do some back then). Viewers don't care about who subbed it; streaming sites only upload (which much easier that subbing) but they take the credit (thanks from viewers and money).

Anyway, for algernon and i'm home,, the site where I downloaded the dramas (furansu's site) continue uploading the dramas, so I think she knows someone will sub them because she usually pause the dramas if no one do the subs.

edit: you can stalk this twitter ( for algernon
sweet. thanks very much for the algnernon! 

you're welcome!

another good news, chiyoko fansub decided to take the project for subbing I'm home :3

so I think it's a matter of time until the subs is out