I love the story of HYD so much! I think in spite of a few cliches it still has an original plot. And it touches me. I think it has one of the greatest characters of any Japanese drama I have seen. You can't help but love every single one of them.
Just now I had a shock. Tanihara Shosuke is the domyouji from the movie......
They are both really hot now that they are older :P
I think the japanese HYD is one of the few drama's I've actually properly rewatched more than twice, every few years I go back and watch it all over again
lostinshalott wrote: I think the japanese HYD is one of the few drama's I've actually properly rewatched more than twice, every few years I go back and watch it all over again

I am the same^^
But I have re-watched it more than 5 times now (:
I finished HYD a couple of days ago and now I’m two episodes into the second season. I haven’t seen any of the other versions and I haven’t read the manga, so I can’t compare it with anything, but I loved it. This is only the fourth drama I’ve ever watched (all of the Japanese) so I also can’t compare it to other dramas or anything, but here are some of my thoughts! (In no particular order.)

* The shop owner!
The first time she talked about a past lover, I was just like “okay, whatever…” but the third time she said “A man I once loved…” I laughed so hard!! It’s a fun way to comment on the girls’ boy problems. I love how she often does not look at the girls when she says these things, but into the camera! (And she’s such a beautiful woman!)

* The poor but always cheerful and supporting family!
Their quizzes around the dinner table… so funny. When the mother poured sugar all over the evil Domyouji lady! Haha! And when the father says things like “I’m going to make this bottle of beer last a whole week!”

* While I intensely dislike Domyouji’s mother as a person, I think something about her ruthlessness is hilarious. She never stops for anything. (That’s why I was surprised when she let the love birds get one last moment in the end of S1. But maybe that was to make the little commoner suffer even more later, because of that one sweet moment…) When she came to visit the Makino family, it reminded me of Catherine de Burgh (Pride and Prejudice), only ten times worse…or more!

* Rui Hanazawa!
He was standing out from the start as the “prince on a white horse” kind of guy -- I find it amusing how this is shown even visually with him wearing white, while Domyouji is often more dramatic in black…
I realize that T&T = OTP, but… there’s a little voice in me that whispers: “but what about Rui? He loves her, too!”… At first I was actually convinced that Tsukushi was going to fall in love with him (more than the little crush it was in the beginning). Then I began to waver… Tsukasa Domyouji has good sides, too… somewhere deep inside… I’m still not sure what to think, to be honest! I’m also not sure what to think about Rui’s feelings. Is he over Shizuka or not? Sometimes he’s acting like he’s really in love with Tsukushi, but sometimes it’s obvious that he says and does things trying to push T&T to admit their true feelings…
It was fun in S2ep1, when she was in New York, with that bunch of bad guys. I was thinking: “Oh no, what’s going to happen to her?! There’s no Rui to save her now…” And who showed up two seconds after I had that thought? *lol*

* Like someone said in an earlier post, I’m not sure how easy it really would be to forgive a guy like him for all the bad things he’s done no matter “how cute, tortured, lonely or kind he is deep down”… BUT I also feel that young master Domyouji isn’t the only one at fault. What about his friends? They obviously know more about controlling their temper and being sort of decent people (Especially Rui even states clearly that he hates what his friend is doing at school), maybe because they have better parents, so they are just as much to blame. It’s not until our brave main character enters the action that any of them become something more like “real people”… Now, I realize it has to be like this, because this universe sort of doesn’t exist before the first episode; it’s Tsukushi Makino who sets everything in motion because the story starts with her. They do nice, good things as if they’ve never acted like their greatest pleasure is to dominate people by fear and terror. Still, it’s interesting to think about when the boys treat her like their mascot/pet/precious little sister… and I love them; they’re so cute, and when they’re all together, it’s like they’re “F5” now…

* It’s funny how the boys have graduated in S2, but they still hang out at their old high school… :) And it was funny when they came to New York and What’s-his-name said to Tsukushi that she didn’t have to be afraid anywhere, because his dad had made sure no bad guys would touch her again! *lol* These boy’s parents sure are powerful!

* It’s also fun how the older girls decide to play fairy godmothers and help Tsukushi out. :) Also, even if Tsukasa has been spoiled rotten and taught to believe he’s almost almighty, while he also has a cold mother who probably never showed him any affection, like I said, he does have good friends who don’t beat the crap out of people who sneeze the wrong way… and he also has his Nee-chan, and Shizuka whom all the boys seem to like and respect, as role models… So it’s strange that he’s so messed up. I mean, saying things like “If you don’t pick up the phone I’ll kill you!” is not okay… At the same time, he really does try hard, a lot of the time, to become a better person, and he’s not all bad, deep down.

* I’m not sure what to think of the new “fiancée”… She’s like a friendly but wild little puppy or something!

Anyway… I can’t wait to find out how it all ends! At the same time I don’t want it to end… :)
I have now watched up to episode 6, season 2. “You shouldn’t hold back anymore” says Yuki and I agree…. So many people are pushing Tsukushi from all sides and it seems like she has so many people’s feelings to consider that she doesn’t take the time to consider her own feelings. I liked it when Rui, in episode 5, told Tsukasa what he really thought about things! On the other hand, perhaps I can understand where Tsukasa is coming from, too… The problem with Tsukasa: He hits the nearest person/thing as soon as he gets the least bit upset. And everybody acts as if this is more or less okay. Well, Tsukushi doesn’t, but who knows, maybe he can beat her up too, some day! Okay, so this is just a silly drama and it’s true that it’s ridiculous in so many ways, but all the fangirls who prefer Domyouji over Rui (and talking about the characters, not the actors!), would they really like him that much in real life? Is it even relevant to talk about “real life” and “drama” in the same sentence? Well, I think that it kind of is. Fictional characters can often serve as role models and ideals. I think that a major plotline here is whether Tsukushi will be able to “save” Tsukasa. The mother’s assistant even said so flat out (he seems more human when he is with her), and regardless of her feelings for the boy (which sometimes seem rather unclear) this is a huge responsibility. The idea that love can change and improve a person is not new, but where is a person’s responsibility for his/her own actions? Also, sometimes it might not be possible to “save” a boy like Tsukasa, as is so often seen in real life… Am I taking this too seriously? Maybe I just like the second season less than the first one…
Hana Yori Dango was my first drama ever and revelation!! I found it because I was looking on google for the anime since I loved the manga and.. "Uh? Live? Drama? What is it? *Clic*" I watched the Japanese version and totally loved it!! Makino and Domyouji, the best!

I wanted to watch the Korean version as soon as I heard of it... It's been more than a year and I still haven't seen it. The reason? Koo Hye Sun. I'm sorry but she was so annoying in Absolute Boyfriend I couldn't bear it hahaha But I'll have to since I like Lee Min Ho x)
I have finished watching season 2, and now I was wondering: Why did Rui give his violin away? * Because he was depressed and felt that he never ever wanted to play again? * Because there was a genuine moment of magic; he felt that the little girl was going to be a great musician when she grew up? * Because he's careless with his possessions and has ten other violins at home? * Just a random act of generosity, and later he bought himself a new one? Also, is there something "suspicious" about Shizuka's life in Paris, or what was it that Rui said that he had wanted to protect her from?
The korean version was my first drama, but once I watch HYD, I totally wasn't into the korean version. I don't like how the korean version messed up makino :( Jandi cried a LOT, and Makino, well, she was strong, independent, just plain incredible. Like during the piano scene, Jandi played the piano nicely, looking at Gu Jun Pyo, saying that all she ever knew was love. While badass Makino in HYD banged the piano and looked at Domyouji defiantly, saying she wishes him happiness. JUST SKLJSDLFJD Makino is such a perfect personnnnnn.
It was nice, I enjoyed HYD, but having seen a few romance dramas that had a more original plot and storyline before, I didn't like the clichees in this one that much[I've seen FAR too many "running to the airport" scenes in dramas and other stuff like that]The second season [especially the second half of it] reminded me a little bit of a telenovela[if you had any encounter with that] with the loss of memory thing and all the melodrama. But as I said, I still enjoyed it and I was excited to see what will happen in the end, who will get the girl. I really liked Hanazawa Rui and the other guys, in the beginning I was expecting them to be some rich and full of themselves kids, but turns out Tsukasa was the most spoiled brat among them :D I kinda knew it was impossible for Rui to get the girl, Tsukasa had to be changed by his love for Makino and all that, but I felt sorry for Rui who finally let go of his feelings for Shizuka and ended up alone.
Oh and I also liked the story between Sojiro and Yuki, and that scene from the rooftop[that was original!]
lily_b wrote: I have finished watching season 2, and now I was wondering: Why did Rui give his violin away?

* Because he was depressed and felt that he never ever wanted to play again?
* Because there was a genuine moment of magic; he felt that the little girl was going to be a great musician when she grew up?
* Because he's careless with his possessions and has ten other violins at home?
* Just a random act of generosity, and later he bought himself a new one?

Also, is there something "suspicious" about Shizuka's life in Paris, or what was it that Rui said that he had wanted to protect her from?

Never really thought about why he gives it away. Hmmm, i'm going to say A,C and D.