I was actually going to leave Utsukushii Rinjin for later because the plot didn't seem that amazing but after reading the comments I feel like watching it right now!!! And I love Nakama Yukie too, she's an amazing actress!
Ooh, I'm so off to watch it! Thanks. :D

Minomi wrote: yeah I also watched finnish dubbed Pokemon, Hamtaro, Digimon etc from tv

Wait, you are from Finnland?! O_O *Checking your profile*
Oooooh, you really are!!! I am too. xD I'm not finn, tho.
2110Lin wrote: for me anime=japanese animation :D cartoons=any other country than japanese

Same here :D For me, anime= Japanese animation ONLY.
I had a misconception that anime is a term used to refer to only Japanese animation but later I came to know through Wiki that in Japan, anything animated is known as anime so I was a bit shocked :P But still for me, anime is Japanese animation; it can never be the US cartoons :P
titrumaffique wrote: I was actually going to leave Utsukushii Rinjin for later because the plot didn't seem that amazing but after reading the comments I feel like watching it right now!!! And I love Nakama Yukie too, she's an amazing actress!
Ooh, I'm so off to watch it! Thanks. :D

Even I thought the same before watching. I didn't think it will be so much interesting and suspenseful. I started watching it because lately I was immersed in Korean dramas and had not watched a Japanese drama for a long time. I am glad that I picked up this drama :D
yxitatyh wrote: Even I thought the same before watching. I didn't think it will be so much interesting and suspenseful. I started watching it because lately I was immersed in Korean dramas and had not watched a Japanese drama for a long time. I am glad that I picked up this drama :D

yeah same here :O
yxitatyh wrote: Even I thought the same before watching. I didn't think it will be so much interesting and suspenseful. I started watching it because lately I was immersed in Korean dramas and had not watched a Japanese drama for a long time. I am glad that I picked up this drama :D

It's almost the same for me. I am new to Korean dramas and because I took interest in them, I started watching only Korean dramas and left Japanese dramas aside for a while. But Korean dramas are really long and there is a lot of crying and unnecessarily long speeches. So I am having a hard time finnishing them.
And now all my on-going Korean dramas are kind of on hold, so I'm back to watching Japanese dramas, yay! They are a lot better that Korean dramas, I think. :D
I think I'll be glad I picked this drama, too! :)
accefseva wrote: It's almost the same for me. I am new to Korean dramas and because I took interest in them, I started watching only Korean dramas and left Japanese dramas aside for a while. But Korean dramas are really long and there is a lot of crying and unnecessarily long speeches. So I am having a hard time finnishing them.
And now all my on-going Korean dramas are kind of on hold, so I'm back to watching Japanese dramas, yay! They are a lot better that Korean dramas, I think. :D
I think I'll be glad I picked this drama, too! :)

Yeah, Korean dramas are very long. Each episode of Japanese dramas is usually of 45 minutes while that of Korean dramas is 60-65 minutes. LOL, Korean dramas can sometimes be melodramatic :P You're right about the 'long speeches'. In every K-Drama, there are scenes in which the characters talk boring stuffs in the car, in the bar, in the bus or somewhere else and I feel like fast forwarding those scenes >.> Japanese dramas have them as well but Korean dramas tend to have them more.
Well, I am thinking about having one K-Drama and one J-Drama in my 'currently watching' list like I have now. This way I can enjoy both Korean and Japanese dramas and I won't feel like I have left out any either of them :P
putrie wrote: Yeah, Korean dramas are very long. Each episode of Japanese dramas is usually of 45 minutes while that of Korean dramas is 60-65 minutes. LOL, Korean dramas can sometimes be melodramatic :P You're right about the 'long speeches'. In every K-Drama, there are scenes in which the characters talk boring stuffs in the car, in the bar, in the bus or somewhere else and I feel like fast forwarding those scenes >.> Japanese dramas have them as well but Korean dramas tend to have them more.
Well, I am thinking about having one K-Drama and one J-Drama in my 'currently watching' list like I have now. This way I can enjoy both Korean and Japanese dramas and I won't feel like I have left out any either of them :P

You're so right. Sometimes when I get bored of their sobbing I try looking it from another perspective. What I mean is, there are many many people who say Asian dramas are all just crying and "the-cousin's-father's-sister's-mother-died-in-a-car-accident" stuff. And I kind of understand it now... I don't think Japanese dramas go as far as Korean ones with these things, except that almost always they die in car accidents, it's like they can't think of anything else. xD But I got used to it and anyway, if I want something new I just have to watch some detective dramas! :9
When they talk for too long I get bored and space out and just think about something else. No matter how much I try to concentrate, it newer works. So I fastforward it sometimes, too.
Now I have too many things ongoing so it's hard to follow, since I watch anime too. @_@
ptooolifes wrote: You're so right. Sometimes when I get bored of their sobbing I try looking it from another perspective. What I mean is, there are many many people who say Asian dramas are all just crying and "the-cousin's-father's-sister's-mother-died-in-a-car-accident" stuff. And I kind of understand it now... I don't think Japanese dramas go as far as Korean ones with these things, except that almost always they die in car accidents, it's like they can't think of anything else. xD But I got used to it and anyway, if I want something new I just have to watch some detective dramas! :9
When they talk for too long I get bored and space out and just think about something else. No matter how much I try to concentrate, it newer works. So I fastforward it sometimes, too.
Now I have too many things ongoing so it's hard to follow, since I watch anime too. @_@

Haha, you should watch those Indian soap operas >.>' They always deal with these stuffs- a character dying in a car accident, his/her family and relatives grieving for him/her BUT that character didn't actually die, he/she has severe burns that have totally ruined his/her face, he/she gets a plastic surgery and makes a come-back, his family and relatives have a hard time believing that this person with a new face is actually him/her. Then ultimately they believe him/her and it may seem like everything is going good BUT then there is this 'What the hell?' moment when it will be revealed that the person with the new face is NOT him/her but someone else...an antagonist usually. I find this totally senseless :O Then there are these American shows which show sex and stupid women seducing men -__- Asian dramas are so much better xD And though they also get melodramatic at times, the Korean dramas especially, it is alright since they make sense. I have developed quite some interest in K-Dramas lately :P Except those 'long speeches' the characters deliver, I enjoying everything K-Dramas give- the romance, the comedy, the twists xD
Hmm, I am anime and manga fan as well. I haven't watched any anime for a long time because I am so hooked with dramas. I began watching Kimi Ni Todoke's 2nd Season but while watching, I was constantly thinking of what might happen in 'Can You Hear My Heart' next so I stopped and started watching CYHMH instead, LOL.
ptooolifes wrote: You're so right. Sometimes when I get bored of their sobbing I try looking it from another perspective. What I mean is, there are many many people who say Asian dramas are all just crying and "the-cousin's-father's-sister's-mother-died-in-a-car-accident" stuff. And I kind of understand it now... I don't think Japanese dramas go as far as Korean ones with these things, except that almost always they die in car accidents, it's like they can't think of anything else. xD But I got used to it and anyway, if I want something new I just have to watch some detective dramas! :9
When they talk for too long I get bored and space out and just think about something else. No matter how much I try to concentrate, it newer works. So I fastforward it sometimes, too.
Now I have too many things ongoing so it's hard to follow, since I watch anime too. @_@

Haha, you should watch those Indian soap operas >.>' They always deal with these stuffs- a character dying in a car accident, his/her family and relatives grieving for him/her BUT that character didn't actually die, he/she has severe burns that have totally ruined his/her face, he/she gets a plastic surgery and makes a come-back, his family and relatives have a hard time believing that this person with a new face is actually him/her. Then ultimately they believe him/her and it may seem like everything is going good BUT then there is this 'What the hell?' moment when it will be revealed that the person with the new face is NOT him/her but someone else...an antagonist usually. I find this totally senseless :O Then there are these American shows which show sex and stupid women seducing men -__- Asian dramas are so much better xD And though they also get melodramatic at times, the Korean dramas especially, it is alright since they make sense. I have developed quite some interest in K-Dramas lately :P Except those 'long speeches' the characters deliver, I enjoying everything K-Dramas give- the romance, the comedy, the twists xD
Hmm, I am anime and manga fan as well. I haven't watched any anime for a long time because I am so hooked with dramas. I began watching Kimi Ni Todoke's 2nd Season but while watching, I was constantly thinking of what might happen in 'Can You Hear My Heart' next so I stopped and started watching CYHMH instead, LOL.
karen wrote: Haha, you should watch those Indian soap operas >.>' They always deal with these stuffs- a character dying in a car accident, his/her family and relatives grieving for him/her BUT that character didn't actually die, he/she has severe burns that have totally ruined his/her face, he/she gets a plastic surgery and makes a come-back, his family and relatives have a hard time believing that this person with a new face is actually him/her. Then ultimately they believe him/her and it may seem like everything is going good BUT then there is this 'What the hell?' moment when it will be revealed that the person with the new face is NOT him/her but someone else...an antagonist usually. I find this totally senseless :O Then there are these American shows which show sex and stupid women seducing men -__- Asian dramas are so much better xD And though they also get melodramatic at times, the Korean dramas especially, it is alright since they make sense. I have developed quite some interest in K-Dramas lately :P Except those 'long speeches' the characters deliver, I enjoying everything K-Dramas give- the romance, the comedy, the twists xD
Hmm, I am anime and manga fan as well. I haven't watched any anime for a long time because I am so hooked with dramas. I began watching Kimi Ni Todoke's 2nd Season but while watching, I was constantly thinking of what might happen in 'Can You Hear My Heart' next so I stopped and started watching CYHMH instead, LOL.

Lol, I never tought about watching Indian soap operas and now I think I'm diffenitely not going to watch any. Thanks for the warning. xD And you talked about it like you actually watched a soap opera with that kind of insane plot, so it's even more scary. I agree about American shows too, it's like they can't think of anything else but those kind of things, it seriously gets on my nerves. >_>"
I am lately interested in Korean dramas more and more, too. The more I watch them the more interesting they seem. But I still prefer Japanese dramas because I'm more familiar with them, I kind of know Japanese, so it's easier to understand their comedy (and not only comedy) and I'm more familiar with the actors too. :3
Heh, I've finished Kimi ni Todoke 2 and I liked it. You shoul watch it when you have time. :D As for me, I'm watching animes like Gosick, Beelzebub, Ao no Exorcist etc. Also, GINTAMA IS BACK, YAY!!! I love gintamas comedy and serious parts. :P
So is "Can You Hear My Heart" a good drama? I might watch it too. :)
Forgot to say I watch Korean variety shows too. xD I've watched some Japanese variety shows before but I just can't find anything entertaining. If you know any shows, feel free to recommend. :> On other hand, there are many interesting Korean variety shows out there.
I see you got bored of writing essays, huh. xD