MDL link: Ikigami ~ The Ultimate Limit


A place, somewhere, that bears a strong resemblance in history and environment to Japan. Its return to prosperity after defeat in war is due to a certain law, a pillar of the state. This is the Special Law for the Maintenance of National Prosperity. 24 hours before this capsule is to bring about death, an official of the Ministry of Health and Welfare brings a letter announcing impending death, an ikigami. Those who receive this ikigami letter have 24 hours of absolute freedom to do anything and everything they want. Kengo Fujimoto has made his way through university and taken a job with the Ministry. His work now is delivering these ikigami letters. Dear Citizen: Thank you for your loyalty. You've no doubt noticed that the world is a troubled place. People are apathetic, lazy, unmotivated. You've probably asked yourself WHY ISN"T ANYTHING BEING DONE TO STOP THIS SYSTEMATIC DECLINE? Rest assured that measures are being taken. Beginning immediately, we will randomly select a different citizen each who will be killed within 24 hours of notification. We believe this will help remind all people how precious life is and how important it is to be a productive, active member of society. Thank you for your continued attention and your cooperation and participation...


Matsuda Shota ~ Fujimoto Kengo
Sasano Takashi ~ Chief Ishii
Gekidan Hitori ~ Shimada
Kanai Yuta ~ Tanabe Tsubasa
Tsukamoto Takashi ~ Morio Hidekazu
Fubuki Jun ~ Takazawa Kazuko
Shiomi Sansei ~ Takazawa Nobuhiko
Sano Kazuma ~ Takazawa Naoki
Narumi Riko ~ Izuka Sakura
Yamada Takayuki ~ Izuka Satoshi


Movie: Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit
Romaji: Ikigami
Japanese: イキガミ
Director: Tomoyuki Takimoto
Writer: Motoro Mase (manga), Akimitsu Sasaki, Hiroyuki Yatsu
Producer: Akimitsu Sasaki, Osamu Kubota, Jun Kurosawa, Kazuya Hamana, Daisuke Ohkka, Makihiro Higuchi
Cinematographer: Takahide Shibanushi
Release Date: September 27, 2008
Runtime: 133 min.
Genre: Drama
Movie Studio: TBS
Distributor: Toho
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan


Who has watched this? Who wants to?

I just watched this and loved it. It really moved me. The messed up Orwellian concept of randomly choosing people to die for their country's benefit and prosperity... It was chilling and sad. The different scenarios and reactions to the death notice were incredibly interesting. Great flick.
Not many / no one has watched this or wants to?! But it's so good!

The end was so good. I loved the contrast of the reality against the hope at the end when...Fujimoto's boss hints at some kind of coup or rising up in the future and to keep his thoughts quiet until the right time comes....Then he is walking along the street and sees these children heading into school to be inoculated...He looks up and sees one of the Government people assigned to administer the inoculations is the man from the beginning who protested the Ikigami and was dragged away, tied up and drugged for speaking against the government. Here he is now...fully assimilated and injecting children with their future death! It was so intense!!
I've watched it half a year ago and I found it really really good and interesting. Orwellian, as you said, this is the kind of movie which gives you real thrills in thinking how easy it could be (is???) for modern societies/states to slip from protection to control of their people. Peace, life and liberty are really precious but precarious. Great ending, as you said.
Jeaniessi wrote: Not many / no one has watched this or wants to?! But it's so good!

The end was so good. I loved the contrast of the reality against the hope at the end when...

Yes!!! OMG, i wasn't kidding when I said I wanted a sequel. This movie is so good, wonderful actors, great storytelling. I seriously need to know what happens next in this world.
Kawaikochan wrote: Yes!!! OMG, i wasn't kidding when I said I wanted a sequel. This movie is so good, wonderful actors, great storytelling. I seriously need to know what happens next in this world.

kawaiko :)

I'm not sure if you read manga, but the movie is based on a manga that has already more stories. Each volume is two individual stories and Fujimoto gets more and more involved. There is also someone that he starts liking. I don't remember if in the movie they have the same character, but I think not. Either way, cannot say more because its all spoilery, but if you don't mind reading manga then you don't have to wait for a sequel. Is there one?

I liked that the writers were good in combining the first two volumes of the manga series into the movie. My favorite story was the two friends :)
Added it...sounds interesting..but i hardly watch it may take a while for me to get there
NinaJade82 wrote: kawaiko :)

I'm not sure if you read manga, but the movie is based on a manga that has already more stories. Each volume is two individual stories and Fujimoto gets more and more involved. There is also someone that he starts liking. I don't remember if in the movie they have the same character, but I think not. Either way, cannot say more because its all spoilery, but if you don't mind reading manga then you don't have to wait for a sequel. Is there one?

I liked that the writers were good in combining the first two volumes of the manga series into the movie. My favorite story was the two friends :)

I read your post and now I want to read the manga so I looked and looked and found a place online that has all the volumes. This was such an interesting movie I am curious to see where the story goes!

KamZ wrote: Added it...sounds interesting..but i hardly watch it may take a while for me to get there

I hope you get there at some point. It's a cool flick.

Kawaikochan wrote: Yes!!! OMG, i wasn't kidding when I said I wanted a sequel. This movie is so good, wonderful actors, great storytelling. I seriously need to know what happens next in this world.

Oh man... A sequel to this would be so sweet. I wish it would happen.
I actually started reading the manga first because Im a manga fan before a drama fan so Im always looking for interesting stories to read. The Japanese come up with the weirdest, yet interesting stories ever. I was glad to find that there is a movie and that Shota is the lead actor. :) He looks like the drawn character too. That caught my attention.
NinaJade82 wrote: I actually started reading the manga first because Im a manga fan before a drama fan so Im always looking for interesting stories to read. The Japanese come up with the weirdest, yet interesting stories ever. I was glad to find that there is a movie and that Shota is the lead actor. :)

He looks like the drawn character too. That caught my attention.

I've never read manga so this is a first for me and yes...I was surprised that he looks so much like the drawn character. Nice fit.
Jeaniessi wrote: I've never read manga so this is a first for me and yes...I was surprised that he looks so much like the drawn character. Nice fit.

Well, this manga is one of the best in my opinion. Not just the story, but the art is really good. The artist is also the author, Motoro Mase, and he is awesome. Enjoy! :)
NinaJade82 wrote: Well, this manga is one of the best in my opinion. Not just the story, but the art is really good. The artist is also the author, Motoro Mase, and he is awesome. Enjoy! :)

Did he do anything else besides Ikigami? I bookmarked the link to read it online but admit I haven't gotten too far. I think I am going to try and find it in a bookstore ...somehow.