Muraki Shingo (Matsuoka Masahiro) has top notch skills as a chef, but as a culinary arts teacher, he is a novice and inexperienced. A former chef, Muraki has turned around to become a temporary teaching staff at a local high school in order to open a "high school students' restaurant". He encourages students who have no dreams or hope, and matures together with them through the operation of a restaurant and instructions in cooking.

Has anyone seen this drama?

I just recently started it and I am on the fourth episode. It's pretty good so far. I like the storyline. It's about a high school that decides to open a restaurant and have students run it. The idea is to boost the local economy using this restaurant. There aren't really any huge plot twists, it's a straight-forward story and I think that's just what I needed at the moment. :)
Here's a piece from the soundtrack. I'm really enjoying the OST.

ohh! this one looks really interesting! Added :)
Becca256 wrote: ohh! this one looks really interesting! Added :)

It was good. :) I rated it a 7.