Recently a couple of dramas have had such entertaining end credits that I found myself looking forward to them.

The first is  Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu (2016) We Married As A Job - Koi Dance Ending Credits

If you've watched the show you know how cute the ending credits are if you haven't this clip will help.

I noticed that on a couple of the episodes the ending credits was the full version of the song and not a reduced one. I'm hoping someone out there already knows which episode(s) it is????

Do you know which episode(s) had the longer version of the song and dance? 

The second is the song at the end of Five. If anyone knows what the title of the song is I'd appreciate it too ... I hear it is a old old song. 

Are there any other dramas out there that have great endings that entertain as much or perhaps more than the drama?

I haven't seen Five, but I did some Googling and found that the original song was sung by Finger 5 and it's called Gakuen Tengoku (:

So finally searching on iTunes none sound as good as the version at the end of the show so I found this CD but nothing digital online but I'm still searching. 

Drama: Nobuta Wo produce

More drams that I know have better openings than endings since usually they just show a summary of the episode with a song 

Totsuzen Desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu has a really great one! They all do the mannequin challenge AND the song is by Nishiuchi Mariya (lead actress in the drama and awesome singer)!