ive watcehd #1 and #2 and they were really good.
not so excited about 3 because i felt the plot might be lame but the graphics looked stunning. overall really looking forward to subs because i absolutely love masato
have heard of 4. is it worth it? im not a big fan of tsuchiya tao (not that i dislike her) but just not a fan so its not in me to watch it just because shes in it.
5 is a good movie. i didnt watch it but i watched the summary by guahmo. its a mvie that is very plot reliant so cant pick that up anymore.
9 teicchi was very very fun and intelligent. loved it all the way to the end. brilliance.
16 ajin was meh. i dont know. never liked the anime too much. they swapped out the ending a little to fit the time on this one but it didnt make it any poorer (or better) thought it was fine.
20 lets go jets was fun. felt a little forced but a heart warming story. why do japan stuff always wants to make u do whatever the characters are doing. i thought wow it must be so cool to be a cheerleader, for just a little bit. lol.
i want to watch mary and the flower hopefulyl
sao was OK. thought it was more of money grub. think there is nothing that can ever match the original SAO
want to watch uchiage hanabi too. heard the song and the movie were vice versa. and the song is stupdenous