It's a promising winter season for sure! Usually there are only 2 or 3 dramas that interests me, but now there are 7! I hope they won't disappoint me. I'm most curious about Shotenin Michiru no Minoue Banashi with Toda Erika, Saikou no Rikon with Eita and the late night drama Mahoro Eki Mae Bangaichi with Matsude Ryuhei and Eita.
I seem to be the only one here disappointed with most of these newcoming Jdramas. I only plan to watch the one with Aiba (Last Hope) and the one with Nagase Tomoya (Nakuna, Hara-chan) but mostly out of curiousity for these two actors. I also plan to watch the new taiga drama if subtitles come out regularly which is Yae no Sakura, but besides these three there is nothing else which inspires me. I hope I am wrong and that some will be better than what they sound.
watched itsuka hi no ataru bashou de already and i will indeed follow it. now i am only waiting on the other dramas i will follow to start so i can watch :3
just finished ep 1 of karamazov no kyodai...I LOVED IT!!! it really suits my taste atm, i really cant wait for the next ep... im curious about the other dramas...what r ur impressions? which one do u guyz suggest?
hmmmmm i only started 4 dramas .... last hope, itsuka hi no ataru basho de , nobunaga no chef and biblia koshodo although i am happy with last hope and ataru basho de. i am still unsure about nobunaga. i might watch though since i think that yuta is experiencing an amelioration of his acting skills. biblia koshodo was disappointing, slow paced, boring , the first "jiken" that the girl had to solve was pretty obvious to me how it went. i could easily predict it. and although the story was warm, somehow the less than mediocre acting made me not believe it. HOWEVER, because i have hope that one day ayame might become a good actress .... lol yeah i know... i will watch the second episode and then decide if i will keep watching the boring drama or not. while watching i paused it 10 times with two of these pauses lasted 30 minutes+ . it did not make me want to keep watching. i plan to watch otome-san. so i am waiting for subs
Is anyone on MDL still watching any of the current dramas? Aya-chan's drama seems a little too unique slice of life for me atm. Last Hope no subs ErikaToda's I'm still following but not too excited about. Any real good ongoing that I am missing out on?
I'm still watching Erika Toda's, although it only gets exciting come Episode 5. Seems like they could've just made it a special than a whole 30-minute series, the padding is totally evident.
sutekinanijinoiro wrote: I'm still watching Erika Toda's, although it only gets exciting come Episode 5. Seems like they could've just made it a special than a whole 30-minute series, the padding is totally evident.

bannie wrote: Is anyone on MDL still watching any of the current dramas?

Aya-chan's drama seems a little too unique slice of life for me atm.
Last Hope no subs
ErikaToda's I'm still following but not too excited about.

Any real good ongoing that I am missing out on?

That's disappointing. I be loving me some Erika Toda. Just watched the Spec Movie with her in it and it was great!
erika toda drama is still unwatchable for me is sharehouse no koibito any good?