not expecting a lot but if anyone know those movies, please tell me and when strong, i mean at knowledge too, not just by strength

Zenkai girl! It's perfect! From 5 to 9 has a strong lead too, that doesnt just accept any fate that is handed to her.

Wait crap, I just saw movie. My favorite Japanese movie is Tori Girl, with an  INCREDIBLE female lead (v strong). Its not eeeexaaaaactly a romcom, its more comedy than romance, but Tsuchiya Tao's and Mamiya Shotaro's chemistry is through the ROOF! 

loved those !! but i'm looking for movies not drama hehe anyway thank youu

thank youu, i will download it now, never know there's comedy there, i thought it's just about sports since there's no comedy tag

Ahh it's hilarious! The interactions between Tsuchiya Tao and Mamiya Shotaro is probably my favorite thing in the entire thing in the movie. And also, now that I think about it, their characters are  probably my favorite couple in ALL the dramas/movies I've watched. Shit. Never have I ever thought of a drama couple being PERFECT for each other without psycho-analysing why they are perfect for each other.