First of all, thank you Hanna for providing the links! When I opened the Jdrama weblist, my drama hunger went through the roof.
I'd love to check out the following dramas:
Suits: have never been a fan of the original series, but just maybe this show will work because of Oda Yuji,
Endo Kenichi to Kudo Kankuro no Benkyou Sasete Itadakimasu: because Endo Kenichi is a must for me,
Tasogare Ryuuseigun: great leads and synopsis sounds interesting,
Chuzai Keiji: hoping for a feel-good comedy,
Cold Case 2: have yet to see season 1,
Dorokei ~ Keishichou Sousa Sanka: because Endo Kenichi.
By the way, I noticed Legal V ~ Moto Bengoshi Takanashi Shoko with Ryoko Yonekura... so it means that there's no hope left for Doctor X 6 :(