"Kirishima, Bukatsu Yamerutteyo" tells the story of two high school students who crosses social boundaries between the elite and lower class at their school. Maeda Ryoya, from the lower class, is a member of the film club, while Kikuchi Hiroki, from the elite class, is a non-participating member of the high school baseball team.
Kamiki Ryunosuke as Maeda Ryoya
Hashimoto Ai as Higashihara Kasumi
Higashide Masahiro as Kikuchi Hiroki
Yamamoto Mizuki as Risa
Asaka Kodai as Nagoshi Yuuichirou
Suzuki Nobuyuki as Kubo
Okay I am starting this thread in hope of gaining some understanding on what actually went on during this film because I'm confused.
Although I did like the acting, the music, the cinematography, the camera angels, the actual things that took place in the film but I'm still sat here with the questions of:
- What was the point of the film
- Why wasn't Kirishima explained?!
I'm kinda frustrated xD
Anyways post positives, negatives about the film, fangirl over the actors and just enjoy ^_^