Wait and see, that's all I say. For now to me this adaptation is perfect. Even if the T version will always have a special place in my heart <3
i like this version more than korean one. Heroine's acting is getting better :)
she isnt pretty and the plot isnt too interesting to me. its also a remake unlikely to pick it up unless the reviews are raving.
The subs are out on DC ! I want to rewatch the T-version to remember what is going to happen...
Having now seen three episodes, I'm rather pleasantly surprised by this jdrama. I didn't like the female leads in the kdrama or twdrama versions (I'm sorry, but I don't care how "cute" you are, if you're that incredibly dim no smart guy is going to fall for you out of anything other than pity), but this one at least has some redeeming qualities, and she's pushed into her actions by her ridiculous friends rather than acting entirely on her own. Makes her more sympathetic. And the guy who plays Naoki emotes, which is more than I can say from either of the other adaptations. So will keep watching, definitely.
Aww, I'm /really/ enjoying this series :) It's really cute and funny, plus, Kotoko isn't annoying like in the other versions. Maybe it's because I sympathize with her since the actress is my same age? I don't know... but I find her likable. Also, Naoki is really nice to look at (:P), and I'm enjoying his character. I know it has just begun, but if Itazura Na Kiss keeps up the good work, it'll definitely become one of my favorites (even though I haven't watched many...).
Sorry guys, after episode 3 I think I am a hater. I appreciated the "Slap" scene. But the "Bed" scene left me flat. I do appreciate that he is showing a real interest in her. But this is a romance...if they can't show a little chemistry it makes the story flat. The mom just annoys me and so does Kai.

The Korean and Taiwanese versions are both a hundred times better.
kizzyneechan wrote: Having now seen three episodes, I'm rather pleasantly surprised by this jdrama. I didn't like the female leads in the kdrama or twdrama versions (I'm sorry, but I don't care how "cute" you are, if you're that incredibly dim no smart guy is going to fall for you out of anything other than pity), but this one at least has some redeeming qualities, and she's pushed into her actions by her ridiculous friends rather than acting entirely on her own. Makes her more sympathetic.

And the guy who plays Naoki emotes, which is more than I can say from either of the other adaptations. So will keep watching, definitely.

I +1 this.
Honestly all the other adaptations had such a ridiculously stupid female lead I wanted to slap her almost all the time. Even if in the end, the Taiwanese couple is working so great and has such a chimestry you kind of forget about how dumb she is...

But here the female lead is adorable. She has qualities that makes us understand how a guy like Naoki (or any guy) could fall for her. There is something fresh and warm and sweet about her that I didn't really find in the other adaptations.

Can't wait to see episode 4...
Exactly. I'm not saying the other pairs didn't have chemistry, but they bumped up the ages considerably so there could be "steamier" scenes. Chemistry between actors does not logical chemistry between characters make. I will take a believable romance with a likable lady over steamy but unmotivated stuff with an annoying-as-all-hell girl any day.
I like Naoki here, he's more frank about his feelings and less colder which is something I always wanted. The coffee scene was totally cool!
I was expecting the raw ep today but I found it with subs! It's probably the first time where a drama's ep is subbed on the day of its release plus it's a Japanese drama! This gives me hope for other dramas.
I didn't really like the 4 th ep but I am dying to watch the upcoming one!
I want the next episode, the preview made me excited.
I have seen It Started With A Kiss(and sequel They Kiss Again) have seen the anime, Playful Kiss, and well, tried to watch the first Japanese drama version but ended up not watching it half way through the 1st episode xD and I have to mention that I'm a fan of It Started With A Kiss! >.<

Okay, so far I'm loving this drama remake! I haven't missed an episode! I like that Kotoko isn't that annoying and Irie is just so handsome and, ugh, I can't stop looking at him! He's so adorable with his baby face but he's so tall and manly! Like WTF?! >.< Anyways, so far I'm not disappointed at this remake but I'm disappointed at myself for already having started this drama since 1 EPISODE A WEEK!!! ;A;