jacqueline wrote: I think there will be a second season. But I guess it'll all depend on the ratings, that's how it usually goes right?

I really hope there will be a second season...beause there is too much left...for one episode ._.

ThePeach wrote: I have this feeling that I won't like the ending...
I think they're dragging on this engagement thing too much...3 episodes already, all about the same. but maybe that's just me.

I have to agree on that! It´s still entertaining but it´s dragging a little too much^^
Last episode was pretty good. Though didn't like how they did that whole scene were Irie professes his love for Kotoko. I think the Taiwan version did it better and it was like exactly the same words...like Zhi Shu had more emotion in that scene, its hard to explain. I feel the mother was a little more crazy in this one. It was a good drama.
i liked the last epi but i hated it at the same time. throughout this drama i really hated that ppl kept calling kotoko stupid. is it any wonder that she doesn't value herself enough that she kept pining after a cold hearted and mean spirited man? **spoiler i felt bad for kin. poor dude when she said irie's name it's like you could feel his heart get ripped apart. i liked that her friends had her back. even though it was done in a comical way i enjoyed seeing irie get told off. i even liked irie's confession. that scene in the rain, the acting, and the kisses were nicely done. i have never seen a wedding happen so fast. lol how did the mother pull this off? crazy lady!**

while i enjoyed the drama i don't think i could ever fully support a story like this where it is made to look like it's ok to put down and belittle a young woman the way irie did. **when irie told his fiance of 5 minutes that he would never speak to her the way he spoke to kotoko** i wanted to punch him in the face. he's knows its wrong to treat a woman the way he has treated kotoko from day 1. kotoko deserves a smack of her own too, if she had more self worth she would never accept that kind of treatment.
Well, after the Taiwanese version this comes second although I was expecting the marriage part, I was disappointed in that. A second season should be alright.
boutux wrote: throughout this drama i really hated that ppl kept calling kotoko stupid. is it any wonder that she doesn't value herself enough that she kept pining after a cold hearted and mean spirited man?

That really bothered me too, especially when the father started talking bad about her in the last episode. She was in the same room and she's his daughter, what the--! Even though I really enjoyed this InK (haven't watched the others), Kotoko's story is generally such a bad example to young girls/women, but it's based on a relatively old manga, so.. It was kind of saddening at times how her life solely revolved around a guy who treated her like dirt up to the last episode '___'.
Kinda dissapointed. I really wished to give this a higher rating, but...for me, nothing could match up to episode 10. After ep 10, nothing worth seeing really happened. The ending seems rushed and the events quite out of place because...you know, nothing romantic happens between them after the scenes in episode 10...the engagement story seems neverending, Irie is the coldest man on Earth, and all of a sudden he hears of Kotoko and Kin-chan and realizes she's the love of his life. the rain scene is really nice...but they didn't have to wait 6 episodes for that.I just wish they would've used those 6 episodes better. they had plenty of space to develop what was left of the story. other than that, I enjoyed it because of the actors. I think most of them managed to bring the characters to life. The guy who played Irie did a great job in portraying him. kotoko's screaming was a little bit annoying, but I guess...that's how the character is supposed to be anyway. but she still managed to draw a line between being "a bit silly" and "totally annoying". She was still cute. Aaaand the mother...just insane lol. she added so much colour too. but I'm still frustrated that they messed things up near the end.
Everybody seems to dislike the ending but they simply followed the anime. In the other versions they actually changed the storyline so much that it was very different from the original anime one. The rush of the marriage event was exactly like that in the anime too. It took 2 episodes or so. But since it is live action it seems a bit weird indeed :3 If they are still going to follow the anime there should be a 2nd season or at least specials because there are still so many things to happen.
Shepard wrote: The only one of these alternate endings I like is the 1st one.


LOL, omg those were hilarious.

I liked the second one,
"Alternate Ending 2: Naoki dreamed the whole thing and woke up still in high school.

One night Naoki was browsing through the DramaFever website and came across Playful Kiss. After marathoning the whole series he finally fell asleep at like 3 in the afternoon on a Saturday. With the drama still on his mind he dreamed the entire Mischievous Kiss series of him and Kotoko. Waking up in a cold sweat he realized Kotoko was a real girl in his high school! Seeing how bothersome his dream storyline turned out, he went to school on Monday and pulled Kotoko to the side. With no expression on his face he ripped his own button of his blazer, gave it to her and told her they’re getting married in three years so plan accordingly. The End."

CR;Drama Fever Blog mentioned above
I like it very much and it's the only version I have seen though the actors did an amazing job with the characters
Is there any news on the second season? Has production started? anything at all :D
maeline wrote: Is there any news on the second season? Has production started? anything at all :D

Yes there's a second season coming up with the same main leads; that's what's confirmed but the date of airing or even the production is yet to be announced. It's probably planned for 2015 I suppose.
So far, Love in Tokyo has been the only drama I consistently watched while it was airing so waiting for this sequel is driving me nuts. I don't understand why I really like this story but I've watched the 1996 version (I actually loved it but the ending was meh), the Korean version (just meh), the first season of ISWAK (amazing), and even started reading the manga. I'm pretty sure I'm under some kind of weird drama spell? The only reason I haven't started TKA is because I know saying goodbye to the characters will hurt too much.
I want to watch this, however, I'm a little bit apprehensive because I already watched the Korean Version and (pardon me for saying, no flames please) I don't like the female lead because she was like an obsessive stalker, it was alright to chase the guy, but there should be limits too. Is it like that?
It's exactly like that, but I think the korean and the japanese versions are a bit different ... The japanese is, from what I've heard, very close to the manga and anime while the korean isn't (of course it's the same plot and all but it's a bit different). So if you don't like that she's pretty much stalking the guy then I would recommend not watching it.