Hi, there are several ways to do that.
1. Create a new thread in this forum with a title like "INSERT_TITLE discussion" or something.
Pro: It could be linked back from the drama info page
Cons: There's possibility of few participation (or none) due to low number of watchers...or it could be members don't want to get involve due to potential spoiler if the drama is currently airing.
2. Create a review (make sure to put spoiler warning if it contains any of it)
Pro: More easier to express yourself about the particular drama and every time people visit drama page they can access that review...
Cons: Not everyone wants to read reviews, especially if they have watched the drama some times ago....
3. Write a review on your own blog or livejournal
Pro: Could express your opinion further by adding images or gifs to the reviews...no space limitations so you could write in depth reviews
Cons: Need to advertise you blog to attract visitors
4. Write comprehensive comments on drama info page with spoiler tag if needed
Pro: Much easier to be seen by other members
Cons: Not everyone read or reply to comments....if you're late to the drama the party might be over...and people usually won't read longer comment...
5. Create a post on MDL Feed with spoiler tag if needed
Pro: More easier to reach audience as most members prefer the feed over forum.
Cons: Most members on feed don't watch Jdrama