TheMercurialKnight wrote: I agree with this! Both really rocked the show!!

And more than these two....Mrs Hanzawa rocked the show! She's lovely wife! Naoki: "A wife like her is a man's pride & joy!"
I love Mrs Hanzawa <3

Yeah agree. i wished i cud see her more but that cud be unnecessary for the story plot
Yehhhhhh !!! Hanzawa Naoki No 1 in MDL drama ranking !!!
hanzawa naoki was amazing i just loved the show and the roles >.> i honestly though it was gonna be boring. i am huge fan of sakai and aya so i was a bit disappointed but when i saw that ppl actually watched it and hat it was good then i was relieved. lol on anoter note i loved hana i think that hana was the one who somehow was holding naoki from becoming ebil ebil >.> this is what i think anyway and she was giving him all those hints that helped him win over a few of the people he needed to bring on his side ~