Mizuki Konno is a high school student. She belongs to the the most powerful group in the class, which is led by Sakura Himezawa, so she can have a peaceful school life. One day, on the way to a school exchange event, a school bus driver dies due to overwork. The bus goes off a cliff. Including Sakura Himezawa, a majority of Konno's classmates die in the accident. Only five students including Mizuki Konno, Chieko Kamiya, Haru Ichinose, Arisa Morishige and Chikage Usui survive the accident but are stranded at the bottom of the cliff and no one come to the rescue. Raw emotions come to the fore in the face of this extreme situation. The five scatter instead of sticking together to survive.
Sakuraba Nanami as Konno Mizuki
Tsuchiya Tao as Kamiya Chieko
Kudo Ayano as Ichinose Haru
Yamashita Rio as Morishige Arisa
Suzuki Katsuhiro as Hinata Haruaki
Masuda Yuka as Usui Chikage
Kubota Masataka as Igarashi Wataru
This drama appears to be strongly followed and has English subbers working overtime. Is anyone following and would care to comment on the drama?