Takei plays Yoshino Nao, a girl who fails the entrance exams of her target high school. She winds up enrolling in a technical high school called Kenritsu Asuka Kougyou Koukou, also known by the nickname "Asuko." Out of the 148 entering freshmen, only three are girls, and Nao is the only one in her class. --Tokyograph

Takei Emi as Yoshino Nao
Matsuzaka Tori as Yokoyama Aruto
Kaku Kento as Tamaki Makoto
Nagayama Kento as Takeuchi Kazuya
Minami Keisuke as Wajima Go
Ishida Takuya as Hirose Satomi
Furukawa Yuki as Kishi Tetsuro
Kanai Yuta as Murai Hajime
Arai Yusuke as Hirakawa Koji
Nishi Yosuke as Watanabe Shinich


Has anybody watched this drama? Is anyone interested in watching it?
Yes i watched it. It wasn't bad. It was o.k. :)
I had watched this before and i rate it 8/10...^__^
lol! I forgot to write my thoughts. By the time I watched this I had seen a lot of school dramas already, so I went into this expecting it to be a clone of all the others. I was pleasantly surprised. While it does follow the usual school drama formula, it was done in a way that I found refreshing. the comedy was well done and felt more natural than forced (which happens often in dramas of this genre), the acting was really well done and I adored all of the characters. :)

I rated it a 9. It was just the thing I needed to watch to cleanse my drama palate. XD
My introductory Drama to Matsuzaka Tori. Haven't turned back since. I really enjoyed Asuko March a lot. :)
drama is great i just asking why it isn't continued :) i think story needs to be continued <3
dramacrazier wrote: drama is great i just asking why it isn't continued :) i think story needs to be continued <3

I agree that a second season would have been wonderful. While the last episode did have a nice conclusion, they did leave things open enough for a continuation. :)
I watched this when it first aired because of Kaku Kento and I first liked it, but soon got bored with it. I would have also preferred if Kaku Kento was the main male lead/love interest. I wasn't too crazy about that other actor.
Ari_Lee wrote: I watched this when it first aired because of Kaku Kento and I first liked it, but soon got bored with it. I would have also preferred if Kaku Kento was the main male lead/love interest. I wasn't too crazy about that other actor.

I liked the other actor's character, but I do agree that Kaku Kento was a lot better. Which is why I'm kinda glad they left the romance portion of the drama open. That way, I can be happy drawing my own conclusion. lol
Sleepninja wrote: I liked the other actor's character, but I do agree that Kaku Kento was a lot better. Which is why I'm kinda glad they left the romance portion of the drama open. That way, I can be happy drawing my own conclusion. lol

Jajaja! Yep. I made up my own little happy ending too.