This is a much older drama starring Matsushima Nanako and Hideaki Takizawa as a teacher and student involved in a controversial relationship. I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread until now. Thoughts?
I liked the drama and ended up watching within the span of 24 hours (did an all nighter and then continued the next day). Since the drama is older the dynamic is different which made it interesting. For example, since it was made in the era before cell phones and widespread technology use, they had to talk to each other via online chat in the library, etc. In my opinion, there relationship was in no way plausible. I just don't think a 17 year old would be mentally mature enough to handle being with an older woman and instantly make the choice to be with her for the rest of his life. They made the mother seem like she was evil but, I think the mother was right in some ways...but her actions obviously weren't.
The way their relationship developed was cute but to me it seemed like more of a fling than a long lasting one. It really should've ended with them both parting ways. But it did make me re-think whether or not these types of relationships are wrong or right...they didn't really do anything wrong other than fall in love with each other, and they really aren't hurting anyone, so what's the deal? On the other hand, I'm close the lead heroine's age and I can in no way even imagine looking at a seventeen year old in a sexual or even romantic way. Nonethless, it makes you think.
And the ending. The less said, the better.